This consultation has now closed
Update: September 2023
At its meeting on 19 September 2023, Council noted the results of the community engagement and agreed to grant a 15 year ground Lease to the Department for Energy and Mining for the purpose of installing a Community Battery on Tuku Wirra Reserve in Magill. Council also agreed to arrange for an attractive and non-invasive surrounding to the battery to help to reduce its visual impact.
The full report is available on the Council agenda.
Council, in partnership with the Government of South Australia’s Department for Energy and Mining (DEM)Continue reading

This consultation has now closed
Update: September 2023
At its meeting on 19 September 2023, Council noted the results of the community engagement and agreed to grant a 15 year ground Lease to the Department for Energy and Mining for the purpose of installing a Community Battery on Tuku Wirra Reserve in Magill. Council also agreed to arrange for an attractive and non-invasive surrounding to the battery to help to reduce its visual impact.
The full report is available on the Council agenda.
Council, in partnership with the Government of South Australia’s Department for Energy and Mining (DEM) and SA Power Networks, has obtained a $500,000 grant from the Australian Government's Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water through the ‘Community Batteries for Household Solar program’ to establish a community battery in Magill.
This battery will store excess renewable energy generated during the day from the grid for use when demand (and cost) is high. It will deliver renewable energy at the cheapest residential electricity rate in South Australia to Housing SA homes in Magill and its surrounds.
The community battery will be part of South Australia’s Virtual Power Plant and supported by the Government of South Australia.
What’s being proposed?
Council is consulting on providing a 15 year lease on community land at Tuku Wirra Reserve, Magill (Certificate of Title - Volume 5518 Folio 987) to house a community battery. It is proposed that the battery will be installed in an enclosed container onsite, adjacent to the King George Hall, off Koongarra Court.

About the Plan
In considering this proposal, Council has received a report from Staff about the proposal.
This report is available from the Key Documents section of the consultation or by attending the Council Office, 172 Montacute Road, Rostrevor.
How you can get involved
We would like to hear from you regarding this proposal. You can connect with us in one of the following ways:
- Preferably complete the survey below.
- Complete and return to Council a hardcopy survey (available for printing at home from the Key Documents section).
- Send an email: mail@campbelltown.sa.gov.au Subject “Magill Community Battery Lease”
- Write a letter addressed to:
Community Engagement Officer
Campbelltown City Council
PO Box 1, Campbelltown SA 5074
A Frequently Asked Questions list is available from the Key Documents section. Alternatively, you are welcome to ask us for more information if you need it to participate in this consultation process. There is a Question facility below for this purpose.
Enquiries: Lyn Barton (8366 9222 or mail@campbelltown.sa.gov.au).
Consultation closes: 4pm, Friday 1 September 2023