Draft Ageing Well Plan 2025

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Council adopted the Ageing Well Plan 2025 on 5 March 2024. The Engagement Outcomes Report considered by Council at this meeting may be viewed HERE.


Ageing is a triumph of modern life. People are living longer than any generation before them. This means that if people retire in their 60s there is a whole lot of living still to be done and people want to age well, the way they want.

How people utilise these years is the basis of Council’s Ageing Well approach which began in 2011.

Council was one of

This consultation has now closed


Council adopted the Ageing Well Plan 2025 on 5 March 2024. The Engagement Outcomes Report considered by Council at this meeting may be viewed HERE.


Ageing is a triumph of modern life. People are living longer than any generation before them. This means that if people retire in their 60s there is a whole lot of living still to be done and people want to age well, the way they want.

How people utilise these years is the basis of Council’s Ageing Well approach which began in 2011.

Council was one of five pilot Councils working with the State Government on the ‘South Australian Age Friendly Environments and Communities’. This included an assessment of Council’s strengths and gaps against the pillars of ageing well, underpinned by the work of the World Health Organisation: physical environment; housing; health, wellbeing and services; participation; and planning to support people.

The Ageing Well Advisory Committee (AWAC), a formal Committee of Council, was established in 2014 to provide advice on ageing well matters for people aged 60+ in the Community. The Committee developed the draft Ageing Well Plan and Council is now inviting your feedback.

About the Plan

The draft Ageing Well Plan 2025 provides the strategic direction that will drive Council actions to support older people to age well.

The Plan was developed with reference to a Background Paper which drew on significant engagement with older people and services who work in the ageing area. This included discussions, presentations and ‘tea and chat’ with 17 Residential Aged Care and Independent Living Village facilities, 13 social groups, 12 Community groups, six Service Clubs, eight not-for-profit agencies, Council Volunteers, Neighbourhood BBQs, attendance at three conferences, and many individuals in the local Community.

The Background Paper can be viewed here. It is also available on Council’s website.

The result is a Plan that draws together the above work into a formal plan to drive and shape the ageing well work of Council over the next two years (2024- 2025).

Ageing Well Plan 2025 at a glance

ThemeFocus Areas
My neighbourhoodHome and neighbours, transport, public places and spaces, age-friendly communities
My Opportunity Employment, learning and volunteering, leisure and enjoyment
My Health and WellbeingWellbeing activities, health and aged care support, end of life choice
My InformationAccess to information and support, build capacity in using technology
My ValueBeing valued, a sense of belonging

How you can get involved

You are invited to provide your feedback by connecting with us in one of the following ways:

• Complete the survey below.

• Complete and submit a hardcopy survey (available from Campbelltown Library, the Council Office or The ARC) and return it to Council

• Send an email: mail@campbelltown.sa.gov.au Subject “Draft Ageing Well Plan 2025”.

• Write a letter addressed to Community Engagement Officer, Campbelltown City Council, PO Box 1, Campbelltown SA 5074.

Enquiries: Bianca Connelly, Community Development Officer (Ageing Well) on 8366 9272 or mail@campbelltown.sa.gov.au

Consultation closes: 4pm, Friday 1 December 2023

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    You are invited to complete this survey to provide feedback on the draft Ageing Well Plan 2025 and to share your ideas for what Council could to to help meet the needs of older people. 

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Page last updated: 15 Mar 2024, 12:05 PM