Upgrades to Playford Road Reserves
This consultation has closed.
Playford Road Reserve now completed! (October 2024)
The newly completed upgrade features a brand new playground, tennis court and multi-sport court, BBQ, drinking fountain, accessible toilet, accessible pathways and a lawn area for ball games and unstructured play. You can watch the entire construction process in a short time lapse video HERE.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the consultation and so helped to create this new space for all the community to enjoy.
Project Update (August 2024)
Work is well underway for the Playford Road upgrade.
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Project Update (June 2024)
The shade sails are up and the playing surfaces are going down - the Playford Road Reserve upgrade is well on the way toward its planned completion by September, just in time for Spring.
The new works include a tennis court and multi court, grassed area for ball sports and unstructured play, accessible pathways and BBQ and toilet facilities. Stay tuned for the opening date!
Project Update (February 2024)
Construction works have commenced on the Playford Road Upgrade (former Rostrevor Tennis Club).
The new ambitious design will completely re-imagine the site whilst meeting community desires and recreational needs. The design includes the following.
- Disability accessible pathways
- Accessible public toilet
- New playground
- General landscaping
- Open turf area for ball sports, picnics and other recreation.
- Tennis court and multi court
- Off street parking
- Removal of existing club rooms
Project Update (September 2023)
Playford Road Tennis Court Upgrade
Council allocated funds towards this project in the 2022/2023 financial year as well as approximately $500,000 of Local Roads and Community Infrastructure grant funding and it was anticipated that construction at the Playford Road Newton Tennis Courts site would commence in early 2023.
Staff are finalising the tender process for this project and aim to present Council with a recommendation report for engagement of the preferred contractor in November 2023. The scheduling of physical work will commence once a tender is selected. It is anticipated the works will require 12 months to complete after engagement of the contractor.
The final concept plan endorsed by Council in April 2022 may be viewed here.
Community Landcare Nursery
The Gums Landcare Group secured a grant through Green Adelaide in December 2020 to establish a Community Landcare Nursery in the Campbelltown local government area. The Nursery will be run by volunteers with the aim of growing native tube stock plants and trees available for Council, community groups and Campbelltown Council ratepayers to purchase.
Council voted on 16 March 2021 that the Community Landcare Nursery would co-exist with the new Newton Community Garden and on 17 February 2022 Council agreed to locate both projects at Playford Road Reserve, Newton.
The Community Nursery will install a large shed onsite which will be shared with the Newton Community Garden. It is anticipated this shed will be installed towards the end of 2023.
Project Update (October 2022)
During 2021 and early 2022 Council undertook a masterplan process to reimagine Playford Road Newton Tennis Courts and confirm a location for both the new Newton Community Garden and the Community Landcare Nursery. The masterplan process involved two stages of consultation. Stage 1 (April and May 2021) gathered the broad range of Community ideas for the tennis courts site which were then used to design a Draft Concept plan. Throughout this process Council identified Playford Road Reserve as the preferred location for the Garden and Nursery.
Stage 2 was conducted during December and January 2022 and involved gathering the Community's feedback on the Draft Concept Plan and ideas for a new name for the site. Following Stage 2 feedback Council staff reworked the Concept Plan to better meet the needs to nearby residents, Rostrevor Tennis Club and to be more accessible and inclusive. The final Concept Plan was endorsed by Council in April 2022. You can read all the Community's feedback from Stage 2 consultation in the Community Engagement report here.
Playford Road Newton Tennis Courts
Playford Road Reserve Playground Site Key Design Elements
The cost of the redevelopment of the Playford Road Newton Tennis Courts site is approximately $1,850,000 and construction will commence in early 2023. Council has allocated funds towards the project in the 2022/2023 financial year as well as approximately $500,000 of Local Roads and Community Infrastructure grant funding.
Key features of the concept plan include:
- Kaurna and Aboriginal connections and educational opportunities - bush tucker gardens and investigation of a Kaurna name for the site.
- amphitheatre for formal and informal activities.
- irrigated turf for ball sports and unstructured play.
- An increase in tree canopy and overall vegetation to cool the area and provide much needed greenspace.
- Tennis court and multi court.
- Accessible pathways, accessible BBQ, and accessible toilet.
- Reusing as many materials currently on site as possible and retaining water on site through Water Sensitive Urban Design.
Newton Community Garden
Please visit the Newton Community Garden page for more information on how the garden is progressing.