Background Work
Has Council conducted a feasibility study for the project (including detailed plans and costings of the proposed new roundabout, cul-de-sac and ‘estate feel paving’)?
A feasibility study hasn’t been conducted, however high level costings have been established for the project.
Council’s process is to check via a broad consultation process whether there is support for a project (in this case, the Road Closing Process and Land Swap Project) before undertaking Detailed Design, including costings. In relation to the Manresa Court Road Closing Process and Land Swap there is currently a Concept Plan available, and potential traffic treatment arrangements have also been prepared for the Manresa/Maryvale/Addison intersection.
How do you know that walkers will use the Fifth Creek Trail at this location if you haven’t done a pedestrian survey?
Council has not undertaken a pedestrian survey however did receive feedback during the consultation for the Chain of Trails Master Plan and Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan to support a continuous link for walkers along the Fifth Creek Trail as shown by the figures below extracted from the Plans:
Chain of Trails Masterplan extract

Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan extract
During public consultation, residents were only provided with a ‘proposed streetscape’ plan, which was ‘not to scale and shows the creek in the wrong position’. Shouldn’t there be a scale plan available?
This plan is a concept only. If the project progresses, a survey would be conducted for the detailed design process to ensure all environmental components are correct on the design. The information that has been provided is suitable for members of the public to make an informed decision about their opinion on the Land Swap.
I have concerns about the removal of well-established trees in order to construct a roundabout at the junction of Maryvale Road and Addison Avenue.
The establishment of a new road at Manresa Court does not require the removal of any regulated or significant trees. If the project goes ahead, Council’s intention is to plant more trees in the road reserve than need to be removed for the establishment of the road.
There is a significant tree on St Ignatius’ College land that has been recently approved for removal. Did this have anything to do with the Land Swap? Why is this the only tree being removed?
The Road Closing and Land Swap has nothing to do with development works occurring on St Ignatius’ College land.
There is only one tree being removed as the College has only requested for the one tree being removed.
- North of Addison Avenue (No 15) 85%ile is 57.24km/h
- South of Addison Avenue (No.70) 85%ile is 57.78km/h
- Manresa Court would be a No Through Road (when the incident occurred it was a through road).
- Traffic calming devices would be focused on improving safety.
- Council would install visual indicators at the intersection to minimise inappropriate driver behavior impacting Manresa Court road users (signage and potential road shaping and landscaping treatments).
Has a traffic engineer been engaged to assess traffic egress/ingress and speeding issues on Maryvale Road?
A traffic engineer was engaged to assess the traffic egress and ingress on Maryvale Road in relation to potential traffic calming devices that could be installed at the intersection of Maryvale Road and Manresa Court. This work remains underway and potential options are still being worked through.
Council’s usual practice is to release the design works publicly on completion of traffic engineer projects however the traffic engineer’s report is not usually made public.
Council has not engaged a traffic engineer to assess speeding issues on Maryvale Road as this road is currently operating as anticipated and this is not part of the traffic component of the consultation.
Council’s most recent traffic data shows that the road is operating as follows:
Maryvale Road is a Sub-arterial Road with a speed limit of 60km/h.
What is Council doing to address speeding along Maryvale Rd, which will become increasingly relevant if school traffic is diverted from Gorge Rd to Maryvale Rd and when the buildings planned for the corner of Maryvale Rd and Gorge Rd are completed?
This traffic is not intended to be diverted to Maryvale Road.
Council is proactively monitoring traffic and safety options on Maryvale Road as part of a separate project. For example, a pedestrian refuge is planned as part of the Foxfield Master Plan, and Staff are considering a project for possible treatment of intersection at Sunset Strip / Maryvale Road to break up the continuous length of Maryvale Road.
Will there be pedestrian refuges constructed at Gorge Road and Maryvale Road as part of this project?
Council has committed to a pedestrian refuge at Gorge Road as shown on the Figure 3 overlay map.
Council anticipates establishing a pedestrian refuge at Maryvale Road and this refuge will be considered further as part of the Foxfield Master Plan.
Will Bus Stops on Maryvale Road be impacted by the changes to the Manresa/Maryvale/Addison intersection?
No, no changes are anticipated to be required.
There is a new development approved the corner of Maryvale and Gorge Roads. Has Council factored in the additional traffic that will be on Maryvale Road when considering the changes to the road at Manresa Court?
Yes. Traffic reports were received as part of the development assessment process. Planning Staff did not find any concerns with the reports as Maryvale Road has capacity to receive the additional traffic anticipated
Maryvale Road, being a Sub arterial Road can take up to 10,000 AADT (Annual Average Daily Traffic); recent traffic counts found that there are 3,500 vehicles a day using the road.
I’m a bit confused. Is a roundabout going to be installed at the Manresa Court/Addison Avenue/Maryvale Road intersection or is Council still deciding what traffic treatment will be used?
As per the consultation documents, Council would like Community feedback on the level of support for the installation of traffic calming devices at the Manresa Court/Addison Avenue/Maryvale Road intersection. For indicative purposes only, one of the Plans (Figures) in the consultation documents shows a roundabout to assist the Community to visualise this option.
Could Council re-open Manresa Court from Gorge Road to Maryvale Rd and turn it into a one-way system instead of doing the road closure? This would facilitate safe traffic flow at times of drop off and pick up of students.
Council is not considering this option as it deviates from project intentions for continual unimpeded and safe access for pedestrians and cyclists to traverse the proposed new Fifth Creek Trail (refer highlighted area in the concept extract below).
There was a fatal accident at the Manresa/Maryvale/Addison intersection many years ago. Why is Council now reconsidering reopening this intersection?
Safety at this potential intersection is a crucial factor for the project. As such Council is exploring all options to determine the best treatment for the intersection if the project proceeds.
Factors that have changed and would be different to the previous intersection that was at this location when the accident occurred include:
Manresa Court is sometimes used by people parking to attend funerals at the Athelstone Independent Cemetery or when Council has large crowds at the Moonlight Markets. Will drivers still be able to park in the Court if the Road Closure goes ahead?
This will be a decision for St Ignatius’ College if the land swap proceeds.
Manresa/Maryvale/Addison intersection
Why has the roundabout been changed to a ‘traffic calming device’?
During preliminary consultation with residents of Manresa Court and Bakhill Road, landscaping and traffic treatments that deters non-local traffic were supported by respondents.
Council is looking at all potential options for the Manresa/Maryvale/Addison intersection and as such has used ‘traffic calming device’ terminology in the consultation process to show that other options are also being considered.
Changing the road arrangements at Manresa Court will make it more difficult for residents in this locale or Bakhill Road to get heavy machinery such as trucks or cranes into the street. Has Council considered this?
When preparing detailed design for a new Manresa Court road and intersection, Council will work with recognised and approved road users such as public transport bus suppliers, East Waste garbage contractors and other approved heavy road users to ensure that the turning paths for the road and intersection treatments are suitable.
Fire Risk
I am worried about the increase risk for residents of Manresa Court and Bakhill Road in terms of how they will flee a fire from Black Hill Conservation Park or Wadmore Park.
The Wadmore Park Management Plan is used to guide fire management strategies to reduce fire risks within and surrounding the park. This document is publicly available from our website.
Residents living on the western edge are considered to be subject to minimal risk in respect to a fire eminating from Wadmore Park/Pulyonna Wirra.
Consultation Process
Council usually does consultation for most projects for 21 days. Why is this one 29 days?
The Road Closing Process legislation requires consultation for 28 days. As the consultation for this process commenced on a Thursday, and Council’s land swap consultation commenced on a Friday, Council has provided 29 days for the public to respond to both consultations and to facilitate the closing of the consultation at the end of the business week for the convenience of respondents.
I don’t think people living beyond the Council boundary should be able to provide feedback for this project. Could you please advise how the Council will address this?
Council values all comments from people that live, work, study or recreate in our Community. We don’t exclude response from any Community members to our broad consultation projects, however does provide demographic information (including location data) to Council to consider where this is available.
With respect to the Road Closing Process, it is legislatively prescribed under Section 13(1) of the Road (Opening and Closing) Act 1991 that ‘any person may object to a proposed road process’. As it is a public process, similarly any person may provide a positive or other response to this process.
With the computer feed back system, can you do multiple entries using your name or only one entry?
All feedback is audited to bring multiple responses from the same individual together so that the data is attributed to the one respondent as one response.
Why have survey pegs been placed at the Manresa Court/Gorge Road intersection? Does this mean that the Road Closing Process has already been decided?
No, the surveying consultants managing the Road Closing Process consultation are required under the Road (Opening and Closing) Act 1991 to survey the space when creating a preliminary plan for the project, and the pegs are in place because of that work.
No decision has been made on whether the Manresa Court Road Closing Process will proceed.
Project Costs
- Stage 1 – Road changes to accommodate land swap
- Stage 2 – Detailed Design, Creek works and pathways
What costings are available for the project?
Detailed costings for the full project will only be prepared if following the consultation, Council decides to progress the Road Closing Process and Land Swap.
If the Road Closing and the Land Swap proceeds, the project would be split into two Stages (Stage 1 has been costed).
Cost estimates are available for Stage 1 items as follows:
Item | Estimated Cost |
Road Closing Process | $7,000 |
Consultation costs | $2,500 |
Traffic Engineer Report | $4,940 |
Potential Roundabout construction costs at Manresa Court/Maryvale Road/Addison Avenue intersection | $500,000 |
Potential Raised Intersection construction costs at Manresa Court/Maryvale Road/Addison Avenue intersection | $300,000 |
Staff time and internal print costs are excluded from costings.
Stage 2 works will be costed if Council resolves to support the Road Closing Process and Land Swap proceeding.
Property Issues / Road Access
There are services within Manresa Court. How will they be managed going forward if the project proceeds?
Easements would be created with relevant agencies to enable ongoing management of the existing services.
Would properties that face Maryvale Road and are south of Manresa Court still be able to access the Council land at the back of their properties?
Yes, provided that residents have a by-law permit and have paid the bond required, they would still be able to access their property.
Why isn’t Council purchasing the land swap land instead of leasing the land?
Council has an opportunity to do a leasing swap rather than purchasing the land which will be substantially less cost to ratepayers. Purchasing the land would still require the proposed portion of Manresa Court to be closed to ensure safe passage for pedestrians and cyclists along this portion of Fifth Creek.
The parcel of land proposed to be swapped is 5,080 sqm. If the land was valued conservatively at $280 sqm (lowest adjacent land value), the cost to purchase the land would be approximately $1.425 million (excludes stamp duty, sub division and on-costs).
Why isn’t Council purchasing the land at 48 and 52 Maryvale Road as part of this project?
This land was considered however isn’t required at this time as there is already an existing walkway that connects Council’s land to Maryvale Road.
St Ignatius' College
- Vehicles for the residents and visitors at 3 Manresa Court
- Utility suppliers requiring access to Manresa Court
- Pedestrians and cyclists (members of the public) to traverse Manresa Court from Gorge Road to Maryvale Road, including any portion of Manresa Court that is proposed to be closed to vehicular access.
What does St Ignatius’ College plan to do with the road if it is subsequently leased to them as part of the land swap?
The College Principal has formally advised Council that there are no immediate plans to alter Manresa Court as a roadway and entrance to the College. The land swap essentially removes non-College traffic from the roadway during the week which provides the College with the capacity to directly manage and provide safer arrangements for parent and student traffic.
Will school drop-off and pick-up traffic, which is currently split between the College’s Gorge Road entrance and its Maryvale Road entrance be directed to the Maryvale Rd entrance when the land swap occurs?
The College has advised in writing that it expects school drop-off and pick-up to remain unchanged. There is no action associated with the land swap proposal that would have any impact on this element of daily school life.
Council minutes mention that the schools Gorge Road entrance is ‘short term’ – what is meant by this what are their long term access plans, are they look at closing this?
The College has formally advised that they have no plans to alter the current entrance from Gorge Road into Manresa Court and don’t expect any change to existing school drop-off and pick up arrangements.
Does the section of Fifth Creek Trail currently owned by St Ignatius’ College and the Manresa Court roadway (owned by Council) all come under the St Ignatius’ College rules that no persons are allowed on school property between 0730hrs and 1700hrs?
If the land swap goes ahead, there would be 24 hour access for:
Access to all other aspects of the St Ignatius’ College property is a matter for the College to determine.
Who initiated the discussion regarding the land swap?
Council initiated discussions in relation to the proposed project several years ago.
Does St Ignatius College pay rates to Council?
St Ignatius’ College pays rates to Council. They receive a 75% rates rebate in accordance with the requirements of Section 165 of the Local Government Act 1999.
Is the temporary easement (off Maryvale Road) provided to St Ignatius' College in 2016 still active?
This easement remains active. As above, the College has advised in writing that it expects school drop-off and pick-up to remain unchanged. There is no action associated with the land swap proposal that would have any impact on this element of daily school life.
Stage 2 Works
Will a footbridge be built to enable walkers to cross the creek to the proposed walking trail or will the trail simply start at Manresa Court by default?
A footbridge is anticipated as part of Stage 2 of the proposed project.
Manresa Court road matters
Is a five year lease being planned for the land swap, or will be another arrangement organised?
The land proposed to be swapped is not Community land and it is anticipated that a longer term arrangement would be implemented.
If Manresa Court is leased, will the Council be obliged to maintain the road?
No, St Ignatius’ College would be responsible for the area that they lease.
Is Judith Reserve is owned by the College or Council?
Judith Reserve is owned by Council and remains Community Land.
There was an easement created in 2016 to enable St Ignatius College to create an access road through this land.