Revised Social Media Policy
Consultation has concluded

Community Engagement Outcomes
The Revised Social Media Policy was open for consultation between 10 March and 4 April 2022 and was adopted by Council at their meeting on 21 June 2022.
The community engagement outcomes can be found in the Council Agenda on pages 165 to 186.
Project Details
Following Council’s establishment of a Social Media Policy in 2011, Staff have reviewed the Policy each year with the most recent review being completed 22 December 2020.
As social media becomes more complex, Councils have been required to consider their social media suite, policies and procedures to protect the interests of Council and individuals.
During 2021, there has been discussion within the Local Government sector and more broadly regarding organisational management of social media. Staff sought legal advice to review Council’s Social Media Policy to protect the interests of Council, as well as individuals that may be identified as being representatives of Council’s interests.
The revised Policy clarifies arrangements and expectations in respect to:
Official social media where posts and comments are undertaken by authorised Council Staff for the purpose of promoting and sharing Council projects, programs and services, and responding to Community questions and comments about Council’s interests
Personal social media where Council representatives (including Elected Members, Committee and Panel Members, Employees, contractors, agents and volunteers) interact with social media platforms to represent their own interests, preferences and activities. Council acknowledges that this interaction may represent solely personal interests or cross over into Council interests (eg sharing of official posts about Council events or programs on individual’s social media pages).
The revised Social Media Policy is intended to minimise and mitigate Council’s social media risks, providing a balanced approach to supporting organisational and customer needs when Council representatives interact online with local people (our customers). The Policy raises issues and restrictions, particularly for Elected Members interacting online, that the Community may like to consider.