Strategic Plan 2028

Strategic Plan – Stage 2
This consultation has now closed
Council's current Strategic Plan commenced in 2020. Following the Local Government Elections, it is now due for review. Last year Council conducted Stage 1 consultation with the Community, inviting ratepayers and residents to 'Share Your Ideas' for our new Strategic Plan 2028.
The Stage 1 process invited ratepayers and residents to share feedback regarding Council’s Vision, Mission and areas for Council to focus on for the next 4 years and beyond. A survey was provided to all Ratepayers through the July rates notice process, whilst non-ratepaying residents, businesses, clubs and other interested persons were invited to participate through a broad consultation promotion campaign.
The results of this consultation were reported back to Council at the 5 December 2023 Council meeting, and Council agreed to:
1. receive and note the updated process for the Strategic Plan Review.
2. endorse the Background Paper and Strategic Plan Scorecard prepared by Staff for the Strategic Plan Review.
3. endorse the updated Strategic Plan Architecture and declare that the following documents constitute its Strategic Management Plans:
- Strategic Plan
- Asset Management Plans
- Community Plan
- Economic Development Plan
- Environment Plan
- Long Term Financial Plan
4. receive and note the outcomes of the Stage 1 Community Engagement process undertaken for this project.
5. endorse the Strategic Plan being prepared for a 4 year period, and that the following Vision and Mission be used for Strategic Plan 2028:
- Vision – A safe, sustainable, vibrant Community
- Mission – The Community is the centre of everything we do.
You can read the report, and the documents confirmed through Stage 1 in the Key Documents section of this page.
What's Next
During Stage 2, we invite you to participate in workshops, or share detailed information (refer to How You Can Get Involved), to help us identify the most important ideas for implementation in our City over the next 4 years, and share with us what else we need to consider.
By registering and attending either a face to face or online Information Session and Workshop you will receive a free plant to grow at home as a token of our thanks for participating. | ![]() |
The information received from this consultation will be considered by Council as it develops its draft Strategic Plan, and other Strategic documents over the coming months.
We invite and encourage you to also get involved in these opportunities as they arise during the year.
How You Can Get Involved
We invite you to come to an Information Session and Workshop to help us connect, create and change aspects of our City over the next 4 years:
- Face to face session – Wednesday 21 February (2pm - 4pm)
Online session – Tuesday 27 February (5.30pm - 7pm)
Please register via the tabs below to receive details for participation.
Can’t attend?
Review information in the Key Documents section and submit your detailed suggestions to us via:
Online Submission (can include images or plans as well as text) - refer to tab below to submit your suggestion
Send us an email ( or letter (Campbelltown City Council, PO Box 1 Campbelltown SA 5073)
marked – Attention: 'SP 2028 Consultation'Telephone 8366 9222 or Register (see tab below) to receive a phone call from Staff.
Submissions close: 4pm, Friday 1 March 2024.