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Council endeavours to keep registered participants and other interested persons up to date with all consultation opportunities and outcomes.

Newsletters will be distributed to the registered email address of each participant. Sign Up here to stay in touch.

Back issues of all newsletters will be kept here for future reference.

Council endeavours to keep registered participants and other interested persons up to date with all consultation opportunities and outcomes.

Newsletters will be distributed to the registered email address of each participant. Sign Up here to stay in touch.

Back issues of all newsletters will be kept here for future reference.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - NEW Children's Policy, and review of By-Laws and Policies

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - NEW Children's Policy, and review of By-Laws and Policies on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - NEW Children's Policy, and review of By-Laws and Policies on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - NEW Children's Policy, and review of By-Laws and Policies on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - NEW Children's Policy, and review of By-Laws and Policies link

    We hope this sees you well in the lead up to Easter. Today we launch three important consultations and invite your feedback.

    Children's Policy

    This new policy confirms Council's committment as a Child Friendly City. It is a unique policy that was written in partnership with children and schools.

    Do we have it right? We are particularly encouraging the little people in our Community to let us know. Participants will go in the draw to win a $25 Ovo Gelato voucher! Have a look here.

    Policy Review (Batch 2)

    Council is in the process of reviewing all of its policies in the first year of the new Council's term.
    The Community are invited to provide feedback on the following reviewed policies:

    • Ageing Well Policy
    • Arts and Cultural Development Policy
    • Budget Preparation Policy
    • Budget Review Policy
    • Climate Solutions Policy
    • Disability Access and Inclusion Policy
    • Footpath Development and Maintenance Policy
    • Heritage Management Policy
    • Parking Policy
    • Privacy Policy
    • Procurement Policy
    • Public Consultation Policy
    • Street and Place Naming Policy
    • Street Numbering Policy
    • Volunteers Policy
    • Youth Policy

    To find out more about any of these policies, and to provide your feedback, visit here. Further policies will be presented to the Community in coming months.

    By-law Review 2023

    The following Council By-Laws expire on 31 December 2023.

    • By-Law No 1 – Permits & Penalties
      Provides a permit system for the Council’s by-law suite.
    • By-Law No 2 – Moveable Signs
      Sets standards for moveable signs on roads, including conditions and placement of signs, to protect public safety and protect/enhance amenity of the area.
    • By-Law No 3 – Roads
      For the management of public roads.
    • By-Law No 4 – Local Government Land
      For the management and regulation of Council land including prohibition and regulation of particular activities.
    • By-Law No 5 – Dogs
      For the management and control of dogs within the Council area.

    Council has endorsed revised By-Laws for public consultation. As required by legislation, the Dog and Cat Management Board has reviewed proposed By-Law No 5 – Dogs and endorsed the document.

    Council now invites you to provide feedback on the proposed documents.

    Final Call - Join our Cool Refuge Community Working Group

    There is less than two weeks left to register your interest in this innovative project! Experts warn that in the next ten years we will experience a day of 50 degrees Celsius. How will our most vulnerable in the Community beat the heat? And what role can and should Council play to provide cool places to seek refuge?

    Help us understand the Community's need by joining our working group. Express your interest here.

    Save the Date - Coffee Chat

    Our next Coffee Chat is at 10.30am - 11.30am on Wednesday 24 May at Settebello, 84 Newton Rd, Campbelltown.

    Come along and chat to the Mayor and Staff about your ideas, suggestions or concerns over a cuppa. There will also be an opportunity to provide your thoughts on the Draft 2023/2024 Annual Business Plan.

    We hope to see you there!

    Thank you for staying connected to Campbelltown. Drive and stay safe this coming weekend.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Last days for playground and policy consultations

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    The following consultation opportunities close next Thursday. If these projects interest you, don't forget to provide your feedback!

    Monaro Crescent/ Padova Court Reserve Playground Concept Design

    The Concept Plan has been designed based on Community suggestions gathered in 2020 and 2021 and also complements the shopping centre precinct which is soon to be redeveloped. It includes a half-court basketball court, upgraded playground elements, new plantings, new signage and a walkway to connect with the Newton Plaza shopping centre. Fill out the feedback form here.

    Apply to Join our Cool Refuge Community Working Group

    Whilst this past summer has been relatively mild, we all know how debilitating Adelaide heat waves can be. We are seeking interested community members from all walks of life to join Council's new Cool Refuge Working Group. Help us understand the Community's need for cool places to spend time and seek respite during extreme heat. Express your interest here.

    Policy Review (Batch 1)

    The Community are invited to provide feedback on the following reviewed policies:

    • Accredited Professionals
    • Appointments on Committees, CAP and External Bodies
    • Children and Vulnerable Persons' Safety
    • Code Of Practice For Access to Meetings and Documents
    • Community Cemeteries
    • Debt Collection
    • Depreciation
    • Internal Control
    • Memorials on Council Land
    • Register of Interests.

    To find out more about any of these policies, and to provide your feedback, visit here.

    State Government Consultations

    The State Government is currently consulting on a range of projects which may interest you:

    • Disability Inclusion (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill 2022
    • Experiences with the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the Office for Public Integrity ands Ombudsman SA
    • Proposed changes to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 (SA)
    • Purpose of public education in SA
    • Inquiry into retail energy prices
    • Review of the Animal Welfare Act
    • State of the Environment Act
    • and more.

    Visit the Your Say Website for more information.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Playground Consultation, Policy Review Opportunities and more

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    This week we have a number of new community engagement opportunities open. We would love to hear from you!

    Monaro Crescent/ Padova Court Reserve Playground Concept Design

    The Concept Plan has been designed based on Community suggestions gathered in 2020 and 2021 and also complements the shopping centre precinct which is soon to be redeveloped. It includes a half-court basketball court, upgraded playground elements, new plantings, new signage and a walkway to connect with the Newton Plaza shopping centre. It also includes a rock retaining wall around the playground, which will double as seating and incorporate climbing elements.

    Come along to our Drop In and Play session Tuesday 23 March from 3.30-5.30pm, or provide your feedback online to win a prize pack valued at $30.

    More information is available here.

    Cool Refuge Project Community Working Group

    Council has commenced an exciting new project in our Climate Solutions journey thanks to being awarded a grant from SA Fire and Emergency Services Commission. The Cool Refuge project will seek to understand the Community's need for cool places to spend time and seek respite during extreme heat.

    This co-design project is seeking Community members to join a working group. Express your interest here.

    Policy Review (Batch 1)

    Council’s Policy and Procedure Framework requires that policies are reviewed annually, and that Council consider all policies during the first annual policy review of the Council term.

    The Community are invited to provide feedback on policies as they are reviewed and the first batch of policies includes:

    • Accredited Professionals
    • Appointments on Committees, CAP and External Bodies
    • Children and Vulnerable Persons' Safety
    • Code Of Practice For Access to Meetings and Documents
    • Community Cemeteries
    • Debt Collection
    • Depreciation
    • Internal Control
    • Memorials on Council Land
    • Register of Interests.

    To find out more about any of these policies, and to provide your feedback, visit here.

    Chat with us at Athelstone

    Our first Coffee Chat for 2023 will be at Indigo Espresso Cafe on Monday 20 March. Come along and chat to us in an informal setting with other Community members.

    Do you have something you would like to discuss directly with Mayor Whittaker and Staff regarding your street, neighbourhood or the Council area? Do you have ideas about how to make our area safer, sustainable and vibrant?

    There is no need to RSVP, just turn up between 11am and 12 noon to discuss your topic or listen to the conversation.

    We hope to see you there!

    Grant Funding Available for the Sturt Electorate

    The Stronger Communities Program (Round 8) is now open and Expressions of Interest from local community groups within the electorate of Sturt are invited.

    The program encourages and supports participation in local projects, improves local Community participation and contributes to vibrant and viable Communities.

    For this round, grant funding will be up to 100 per cent of eligible project costs except for local governing bodies where grant funding will be up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs. The minimum grant amount is $2,500 and the maximum is $20,000.

    Examples of projects which may be funded under the program include:

    • fit-out of community centres, including kitchen upgrades and equipment
    • purchasing operating equipment such as computers, TVs, furniture and fittings
    • sporting facility upgrades including new scoreboards, BBQ facilities, seating, new turf, fit-out of change rooms, canteen upgrades, lighting installation, upgrade of water systems and gymnasiums
    • purchasing first aid equipment

    Find out more here.

    Update: Performing Arts Centre

    During December 2021 and January 2022, Council asked the Community what it thought about a proposal to build a PAC (Performing Arts Centre) at the new Morialta Secondary College site. The consultation revealed:

    • 85% of Respondents supported the establishment of a PAC in the Council area
    • 81% supported the proposed partnership with the Department for Education

    During 2022, Council engaged consultants who undertook concept design and scoping work.

    This work resulted in a revised cost estimate of $30 million (from the original $24 million estimate) and increased operating costs to $400,000 (from the original estimate of $200,000). On 5 September 2022, Council endorsed the Draft Concept Design for Community consultation.

    Immediately following this was Council Election Caretaker Period which precludes community consultation from occurring, followed by Christmas.

    At its 17 January 2023 meeting, Council resolved that the Performing Arts Centre be dependent upon Council obtaining grants equivalent to 50% of the capital cost.

    Following this, at its 7 February 2023 meeting, Council moved to cease all work on a proposed Performing Arts Centre on the Morialta Secondary College site, and to explore the development of a new Community Hub (to include but not limited to a new Council Administration Centre and Performing Arts Centre) at the current location of the Council Office at Rostrevor. Revenue generating options and co-working spaces will also be explored. To do this work Council will consider allocating $300,000 in the draft 2023/2024 Annual Business Plan and Budget to prepare Concept Plans and cost estimates, and advise the Department for Education (and other Government stakeholders) that Council is no longer pursuing the establishment of a Performing Arts Centre on the site of the Morialta Secondary College and thank them for their efforts to date.

    Neighbour Day Celebration

    Join us for our 2023 Neighbour Day BBQ!

    Saturday 18 March, 11:30 am - 2:00 pm | Gurners Reserve, Leabrook Drive, Rostrevor

    Neighbour Day promotes social connection for everyone to make and maintain respectful relationships.

    The theme for this year is “Create Belonging” and making everyone feel welcome. Enjoy a free BBQ, live music and the official launch of the Campbelltown Harmony Quilt.

    This event provides a great opportunity to meet other people from your neighbourhood, and learn about local groups and activities in the Council area.

    For more information please contact Sophie on 8366 9303.

    Thank you for staying connected to our consultation platform and we hope you enjoy participating in one of the consultations available this month or other upcoming opportunities!

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Community Land Management Plan & Other Happenings

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    Consultation Now Open - Revised Community Land Management Plan

    Today we have launched the Community Consultation for the revised Community Land Management Plan.

    The Plan has been updated to ensure that it reflects Council decisions made in the past few years. In particular a number of property acquisitions and sales have occurred since the last review and therefore the Plan and corresponding Register need updating to reflect this.

    In preparing the revised Community Land Management Plan, the key focus is in ensuring that the Plan continues to remain compliant with its legislative obligations.

    Full details of the proposed changes are shown using tracking in the Revised Plan.

    You can provide your feedback here.

    Consultation closes: 4pm Tuesday 28 February 2023

    Campbelltown Moonlight Markets - Tomorrow Night!

    Free. 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm. Thorndon Park.

    Join us to enjoy the new Thorndon Park Super Playground in a wonderful family-friendly atmosphere! Each market features artisan craft and fashion stalls and showcases the Flavours of Campbelltown Food Trail Vendors as well as many others.

    For more information head here.

    Sand and water play at the new super playground

    Teen Club / Games Group - Launching Tomorrow night!

    Open to Ages 12-17 years. 5:45pm - 7:45pm on Friday evenings during the school term at the Campbelltown Library.

    Meet other young people and play some games at the Library. We have a huge selection of games including Exploding Kittens, Uno, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Coup, King of Tokyo and more, as well as a Nintendo Switch, Xbox and movies.
    Drop-in on Fridays. Email to register interest or for more information.

    Thank you for being part of our valued Connect 2 Campbelltown Community.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Welcome to 2023!

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    Happy New Year! We are off and racing in 2023! Plans for 2023 are well underway and we look forward to connecting with our Community across a range of projects and opportunities.

    Local Advisory Committee vacancies

    As engaged members of our Community, we thought you might be interested in the following advisory committee vacancies. Our advisory committees are an important part of our governance structure and advise and advocate to staff and elected members on a range of important matters.

    Reconciliation Advisory Committee

    Council is seeking a First Nations representative and a non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Member to join the Committee. The Committee meets quarterly on Tuesdays from 6-8pm. The Committee considers and provides advice to Council about all aspects of Reconciliation. You can view the Committee Terms of Reference from page 2 here.

    If you are interested in applying, please complete the form here by Friday 3 February.

    Youth Advisory Committee

    Are you aged 12-25 and passionate about making Campbelltown a great place for young people to live, work, study and play? The Campbelltown Youth Advisory Committee might just be the place for you! Join other like-minded young people to discuss youth issues and make recommendations for positive change in the Council area. YAC Members meet on the first Monday of the month, every second month, from 6:30pm - 8:30pm .

    Please complete the form here by Sunday 29th January.

    For more information about youth activities and events visit the Campbelltown Youth page.

    If you have any questions about these committees, please direct them to Tracy Johnstone, Manager Community and Social Development on 8366 9214.

    Coming Soon - Revised Community Land Management Plan

    We will soon be inviting you to provide feedback on the Revised Community Land Management Plan.

    The Plan has been updated to ensure that it reflects Council decisions made in the past few years. In particular a number of property acquisitions and sales have occurred since the last review and therefore the Plan and corresponding Register need updating to reflect this. In preparing the revised Community Land Management Plan, the key focus is in ensuring that the Plan continues to remain compliant with its legislative obligations. Watch this space!

    Australia Day Event on the Council Lawns

    Tomorrow Council will be holding a public free event on the front Council Lawns from 11 am to 1 pm. This will include a free BBQ, free Gelati, free coffee/iced coffee and free entertainment for the children. Come along and enjoy the day with your family!

    Welcome to the Team!

    Cathy Aktanarowicz recently joined the Community Engagement Team at Campbelltown. Cathy has significant experience in community engagement, particularly in health, wellbeing and community projects. Cathy is looking forward to connecting with the Campbelltown Community and working with the Council team to support engagement on local projects.

    Thank you for participating in Connect 2 Campbelltown and we look forward to connecting with you throughout 2023!

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Manresa Court Road Closing Process and Land Swap and Local Government Elections

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Manresa Court Road Closing Process and Land Swap and Local Government Elections on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Manresa Court Road Closing Process and Land Swap and Local Government Elections on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Manresa Court Road Closing Process and Land Swap and Local Government Elections on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Manresa Court Road Closing Process and Land Swap and Local Government Elections link

    Manresa Court Road Closing Process and Land Swap

    We thank everyone who provided feedback on this consultation. Council Staff have prepared community engagement outcome reports on the Road Closing Process and the Land Swap proposal and these are being presented to Council this Tuesday evening (1 November at 7pm). You can view the reports in the Council Agenda from page 53.

    For your information, the staff recommendation in the report for the Manresa Court Road Closing Process is:

    • That Council does not proceed with the road closing process for a portion of Manresa Court, Athelstone and requests that Staff advise the Surveyor‑General and all Objectors and Applicants for Easement that Council is discontinuing this process.

    The staff recommendation in the report for the Manresa Court Land Swap is:

    • That Council advise St Ignatius’ College and the people that responded to the Community consultation process (where possible) that Council will not take any further action in relation to a land swap of a portion of Manresa Court, Athelstone through leasing arrangements for land encompassing Fifth Creek at allotments CT5094/602 (north of Manresa Court) or CT5565/126 (south of Manresa Court).

    Local Government Elections

    By now you should have received your ballot pack in the mail. Council is aware that some members of the Community have not received their packs. If this is you, and you wish to vote, you must apply for a replacement pack by next Thursday 3 November. Visit the Electoral Commission of South Australia website for more information.

    Return rates for ballots are much lower compared to the same point at the 2018 election. If you want councillors who are passionate about the things you are passionate about, make sure you vote. It is your voice, and it is powerful. Whilst voting in Council Elections is not compulsory, we encourage you to do so!

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Community Engagement Outcomes and Local Government Election Caretaker

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    Local Government Election Caretaker Period

    All councils in South Australia are now in the Election Caretaker Period in preparation for local government elections in November. During this time, Councils assume a 'caretaker mode', avoiding actions and decisions which could, or could be perceived as intended to influence voters or otherwise to have a significant impact on the incoming Council. As such, Council will not be undertaking any new Community consultations until November.

    Information about the candidates who have nominated for the City of Campbelltown is available from our website.

    Recent Council Decisions

    At its meeting on Monday 5 September, Council considered a range of projects which have involved community engagement.

    Manresa Court Road Closing Process and Land Swap Next Steps

    The Road Closing process is a legislatively prescribed consultation which requires Council to hold a meeting and invite persons who have made an objection. The purpose of the meeting is to consider all objections and provide opportunity for people to make a verbal statement in support of their written submission. Due to the legislative nature of the project, Council endorsed this meeting and consideration of the consultation outcomes to occur during the Election Caretaker Period.

    Lochiel Park Golf Building Masterplan

    Council adopted the Lochiel Park Golf Building Masterplan. Next steps for Council are to identify funding opportunities for a detailed design stage. To see the Community Engagement Outcomes report, go to page 87 of the Council Agenda.

    Animal Management Plan

    Council also endorsed the Animal Management Plan and approved it being submitted to the Dog and Cat Management Board. As a result of the Community's feedback a number of amendments were made to the plan prior to it being recommended to Council for endorsement. The final plan includes clarifications relating to on-and off-leash dog walking areas. To see the full changes, see the report at page 211 of the Council Agenda.

    Recognition and Thank You

    We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to Council consultations during this 4 year term of Council, and in particular, the 1425 people that have joined and participated in our Connect 2 Campbelltown online engagement program since October 2020. We thank you for your contribution to engagement and the improvement of our city.

    We would also like to personally thank Renee for the administrative work she undertook on engagement projects between February and August this year. We couldn't have completed the 15 engagement projects undertaken during this period without Renee's input.

    From time to time during the Election Caretaker Period, we will be distribute a newsletter and hope you stay connected during this period. We have some awesome projects coming up in 2023 and we hope you will contribute to them when the opportunity arises.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - New Manresa Court Road Closing Process & Land Swap consultation, a decision for the Lochiel Park Dog Park and more...

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - New Manresa Court Road Closing Process & Land Swap consultation, a decision for the Lochiel Park Dog Park and more... on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - New Manresa Court Road Closing Process & Land Swap consultation, a decision for the Lochiel Park Dog Park and more... on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - New Manresa Court Road Closing Process & Land Swap consultation, a decision for the Lochiel Park Dog Park and more... on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - New Manresa Court Road Closing Process & Land Swap consultation, a decision for the Lochiel Park Dog Park and more... link

    There are lots of opportunities for you to provide feedback on at the moment over a cuppa whilst you enjoy the winter sun!


    Manresa Court Road Closing Process & Land Swap

    Council would like your thoughts in respect to 2 consultations:

    • Should a portion of Manresa Court be closed?
    • Do you support a land swap with St Ignatius' College to facilitate improved environmental outcomes and an extended walking trail along Fifth Creek, as well as changes in road and footpath arrangements on the eastern end of Manresa Court?

    A Drop In session will be held for this consultation at Athelstone Community Hall (corner of Maryvale Road and Gorge Road, Athelstone) on Wednesday 3 August 2022, 3:00pm-7:00pm to enable you to talk with Council Staff about the project and provide feedback.

    Find out more and have your say on both consultations by 4pm Friday 19 August 2022.

    Animal Management Plan and Lochiel Park Golf Master Plan

    We invite you to share your thoughts about the revised Animal Management Plan. This Plan provides Council with direction to plan, coordinate and deliver services for animal management in our City.

    You could also invited to join the conversation and provide feedback on the draft Lochiel Park Golf Building Master Plan. This Plan has been developed in consultation with regular user groups and proposes a new building with a larger footprint that will provide a golf and community hub. If you respond to this consultation online you will also go into the draw to win a Council prize pack valued at $60.

    Drop In Sessions at the Lochiel Park Golf Building, James Street, Campbelltown on Wednesday 27 July (9am -11am or 3:30pm-5:30pm) will enable you to talk with Staff about either of these projects and view the proposed design for the new Lochiel Golf Building whilst you are there.

    These consultations are open for feedback until 4pm, Friday 5 August 2022.


    Lochiel Park Dog Park

    At the 19 July 2022 Council meeting, Council considered a further report in relation to the Lochiel Park Dog Park (pp 25-188 of the Council Agenda).

    After further considering the consultation outcomes, and several options presented by Staff, Council requested that a Master Plan (incorporating a Dog Park) be developed for Lochiel Park in consultation with various stakeholders, including residents, to seek their feedback.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the consultation process earlier in the year. We hope you will assist us with the preparation of a Master Plan when the project commences in late 2022/2023.

    Community Satisfaction Survey

    The 2022 Community Satisfaction Survey outcomes were also received at the same meeting and are now available on Council’s website.

    Generally a high proportion of Respondents were satisfied with the performance of Council (64%). Where Respondents were dissatisfied, key influences included:

    • Impact of infill development
    • Road maintenance
    • Cat and dog management
    • Development – traffic and parking concerns
    • Funds allocation.

    You can view the agenda and minutes for the 19 July Council meeting here.


    Do you have something you would like to discuss with the Mayor or Community Engagement Staff ?

    Come along to Clay Cup Cafe, Rostrevor at 10am this Friday for a chat in an informal setting over a cuppa.

    Welcome to the 88 people have joined Connect 2 Campbelltown this month to provide feedback on various projects. We hope you have found the system easy to use and are enjoying the opportunity to have your say about various projects.

    Thank you everyone for your contributions to our programs. We value your feedback, your passion and your local experiences.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Animal Management Plan, Lochiel Golf Building Master Plan and more

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    We hope you are managing to stay and warm and safe this winter.

    New Consultation Opportunities

    The Lochiel Park Golf Building Master Plan consultation is also now open. After initial input from local user groups, a Master Plan has been developed to replace the current building with a multi-purpose golf and community hub with a café and potential for mini golf and a play space. Will this plan work for you?

    Participants who respond online to this consultation go into the draw to win a Council prize pack valued at $60.

    Council’s Animal Management Plan has been reviewed and is now available for feedback. This plan provides guidance to Council and the public regarding day to day animal management arrangements and future decision making with respect to dogs and cats within the Council area. We invite you to have a look at the plan and let us know what you think.

    Drop In Sessions will be held for people to chat with Council Staff about either of these projects and view the proposed design for the new Golf Course Building. We would love to meet you at the Lochiel Park Golf Building, James Street, Campbelltown on Wednesday 27 July, 9am-11am or 3:30pm-5:30pm.

    Both consultations are open for feedback until 4pm, Friday 5 August 2022.

    Consultation Outcomes

    Recently we asked the community about our performance. 77 people provided us with information about our service delivery, facilities, customer service and communications.

    The results of the Community Satisfaction Survey have been compiled and will be presented to Council at the 15 July meeting. If you would like to view the results they are available from the Council Agenda.

    Local Government Elections


    There is only a fortnight left to enrol to vote if you would like to participate in the upcoming Local Government elections as a voter or a candidate to the elections.

    Whilst most people are already able to participate as they are on the Australian Electoral Roll, other people need to enrol to ensure that they can get involved.

    If you aren't sure whether you are eligible to vote or nominate for the elections, please go to our Enrol webpage to find out more.

    Are you interested in nominating for the 2022 Local Government elections?

    Nominations open on Tuesday 23 August 2022 and close at 12.00pm on Tuesday 6 September 2022.

    Becoming an Elected Member (as Council’s Mayor or as a Councillor) provides an opportunity for you to influence local directions and help create long term, positive outcomes for your Community and fellow residents. The role of an Elected Member is both rewarding and challenging. Council terms are for 4 years; they require commitment, responsibility and accountability.

    If you are eligible to vote in your local Council elections, you are probably also eligible to stand for a position on Council.

    To find out more, you could attend a free Candidate Briefing Session during July or August. There are several opportunities so that you can choose the session that most suits you.

    LGA Information Session

    10am, 23 July 2022 - LGA House (148 Frome Street, Adelaide) or Online

    Council Candidate Briefing Sessions

    7pm, 10 August 2022 - Campbelltown City Council Chambers, 172 Montacute Road, Rostrevor

    Other Council based sessions are also being held in the Eastern Region - follow this link to find out more.

    Electoral Commission Sessions

    The Electoral Commission is also holding several sessions (online and face to face opportunities available) between 8 August and 25 August.

    Further details about the nomination process and how to submit your nomination form are available from the Local Government Association's website.

    Coffee Chat

    Is there a matter you would like to discuss with the Mayor and Staff over a nice cuppa?

    You are warmly welcome to attend this month’s Coffee Chat on Friday 29 July, 10-11am at Clay Cup Café, Rostrevor Baptist Church, 288A Montacute Rd, Rostrevor.

    Thank you for being part of Connect 2 Campbelltown, we continue to be grateful for all the wonderful ways people contribute to Campbelltown’s thriving Community.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Draft Cats By-Law, Consultation outcomes, What's coming up in July and more!

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    As you may be aware, Council is currently conducting consultation with regarding to a proposal to implement a Cats By-Law within the Council area. We encourage you to check out the information on our project page, including the Frequently Asked Questions section, prior to formulating an opinion or responding to the consultation.

    The consultation is open for two more weeks, so there is still time to provide your feedback by email or letter (correspondence details on the webpage).

    Draft Cats By-Law 2022

    Consultation closes 5pm. 1 July 2022.


    To read the agenda reports for any of these consultations, please visit and scroll to the Council Agenda - 21 June 2022 meeting papers.

    Annual Business Plan

    Council will consider feedback to its Draft 2022/2023 Annual Business Plan & Budget at its meeting tomorrow night (7pm, Tuesday 21 June 2022). You are welcome to come along and observe proceedings if you are following a particular project and want to know if funding is approved.

    Congratulations to our prize winners for this project:

    • Rosalie won a beautiful gift basket containing Flavours of Campbelltown Food Trail goodies for attending the Public Consultation meeting
    • Kevin (Rostrevor), Carmen (Magill) and Kevin (Rostrevor) all won $50 vouchers for 'The Rezz' for participating in the survey opportunity online.

    Revised Social Media Policy

    This consultation was open 10 March - 4 April 2022 and provided members of the public to provide feedback on the revised Policy.

    Following the consultation, Council received a briefing on the participation response and discussed several clauses further. The updated Policy will be considered by Council at its meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 21 June 2022 for adoption.

    Manresa Court and Bakhill Road, Athelstone Road Opening/Closing - initial consultation outcomes

    Council will also receive consultation outcomes at its meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 21 June regarding the conclusion of the initial two rounds of closed consultations with affected residents (12 properties) for this project. If Council decides to proceed with a road opening/closing process at this location, a more broad consultation opportunity will be provided for this matter (keep an eye out for this one on Connect 2 Campbelltown if you are interested in participating).


    Council anticipates conducting 3 quite different consultations during July 2022. All 3 consultations will be open from Friday 15 July and closes 4pm, Friday 5 August 2022.

    • Animal Management Plan
    • Lochiel Park Golf Masterplan
    • Urban Forest Strategy

    To find out more (from 15 July), please check or visit one of the following locations:

    • Council’s Office, 172 Montacute Road, Rostrevor
    • Campbelltown Library, 171 Montacute Road, Newton
    • The ARC Campelltown, 531 Lower North East Road, Campbelltown
    • Lochiel Park Golf, James St, Campbelltown


    Would you like to discuss a matter that affects you in an informal setting with the Mayor and Staff over a coffee?

    Come along to Coffee Chat:

    • Thursday 23 June, 1:30-2:30pm | The Red Mill Bakehouse
    • Friday 29 July, 10-11am | Clay Cup Cafe


    Looking for something to do now it is cold and wet, and love a good competition?

    We are into the final days for our 'Favourite Tree Competition'.

    To celebrate Adelaide National Park City month and help Council develop its first Urban Forest Strategy, we are inviting you to send us a photo of your favourite tree and a small explanation or story about why or what that tree means to you. The winning photo and story will win a prize and feature in our Urban Forest Strategy document.

    Competition closes 5pm, Friday 24 June 2022.

    Thank you for your continual interest in our consultation processes at Council. This financial year we have prepared 21 consultations, and your participation has been significant in the success of our program. Our 1,244 registered participants have contributed almost 1,000 responses online to a large variety of consultations.

    We continue to be grateful for your assistance, and encourage you to invite friends and family to participate too!

Page last updated: 17 Sep 2024, 03:09 PM