Frequently Asked Questions
- Select a qualified person to conduct the review
- Prepare a Representation Report that examines the available options and sets out a proposal
- Conduct public consultation on the report
- Refer the report to the Electoral Commissioner
- Publish the outcome in the Government Gazette
- any changes made are to benefit the community,
- arrangements should reflect communities of interest and should avoid separations of such communities,
- voters should be afforded effective participation in decisions on local matters, and
- Council is able to cooperate with other councils and govern effectively.
- The appropriate number of councillors to provide fair and adequate representation to the community and perform the roles and responsibility of Council
- Wards or no wards
- If it has wards, the appropriate ward boundary size, name and number
- The appropriate number of councillors per ward.
What happens once the community engagement is completed?
All submissions will be considered by Council and the final proposal regarding the composition and structure confirmed.
The Representation Report will then be submitted to the Electoral Commissioner for the issuing of a certificate of compliance. This will allow the changes to be implemented in time for the next periodical election.
Would I need to notify the Electoral Commission if my ward changes?
The Electoral Commissioner will ensure that any changes to ward boundaries or ward names are updated in the State electoral roll for use at the next periodic Local Government election. This would be November 2026 for Campbelltown City Council.
When would the proposed ward structure come into effect?
At the next Local Government Elections in November 2026.
What is a Representation Review?
A representation review is a process to determine whether a Council would benefit from an alteration to its current composition or ward structure to meet future requirements.
What are the main steps in a review process?
In conducting a Representation Review, all Councils are required to follow these key steps:
What must a Representation Review consider?
A review must take the following principles into account so that:
How often is a Representation Review held?
A Council is required to conduct a review of its representation at least once every eight (8) years.
What does the Review examine?
A Representation Review examines whether a Council has:
When was the previous Representation Review?
A Representation Review was last conducted in 2016.
What is the existing composition of Council?
Campbelltown City Council is currently made up of a Mayor, ten (10) councillors and five (5) wards.