Lochiel Park Dog Park Concept Plan

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This consultation has now closed.

Following consideration of the community engagement outcomes as well as two deputations and a petition, on 19 July 2022 Council endorsed that a Master Plan (incorporating a Dog Park) be developed for Lochiel Park in consultation with various stakeholders, including residents, to seek their feedback.

PLEASE NOTE: CONSULTATION EXTENDED - Closes 4pm, Friday 11 March 2022


In October 2020, the Community were asked for their preferred location for a second dog park in the Council area and Lochiel Park Oval was the most popular Community choice. A concept plan has now been designed and we would like to hear your views as to whether we have the design right.

The proposed Lochiel Park Dog Park has a range of features and amenities; a toilet, shade, shelter, irrigation and a playground are adjacent to the site along with nearby adequate parking. The location is not immediately adjacent to houses and is close to the River Torrens Linear Park trail. Concerns raised about the location have been considered by Staff when designing the concept plan.

What's being proposed?

The Concept Plan includes separate spaces for small and large dogs in a secured area, which is sensitive to its natural surrounds. The concept plan is contained overleaf with some of the more pertinent features of the plan explained below.

Vegetation and Shade

  • The design is a continuation of the natural setting, and includes complementary plant selections and materials, and increased trees and vegetation.
  • Hybrid turf would be installed throughout the enclosed dog park space, enabling the existing turf to grow through its cellular structure whilst protecting it from the heavy traffic and digging anticipated at a dog park.


  • Black chain link perimeter fencing would be installed along with two entry and exit airlock gated areas. The gates provide a safety zone for owners to transition their dogs between the off leash/on leash environment.
  • There would also be a gate between the smaller and larger dog enclosures


  • Curved pathways have been used to retain the existing oval shape and encourage movement within the park. They are also dog friendly as they prevent dogs being backed into a corner.

Play Areas

  • A sandpit (to enable dogs to dig), and softfall and landscaped mounds are included to create natural challenges for dogs and visual barriers for other areas within the park.

Shelters and seating

  • Two shelters (matching existing shelters in the Lochiel Park Oval playground) and additional seating have been included in the design.

Soccer Goals

  • The soccer goals would be moved further south east and realigned to ensure the playing area between the goals is not impacted by the proposal.

Enquiries: Lyn Barton, Manager Governance & Community Interaction (8366 9234 or lbarton@campbelltown.sa.gov.au)

This consultation has now closed.

Following consideration of the community engagement outcomes as well as two deputations and a petition, on 19 July 2022 Council endorsed that a Master Plan (incorporating a Dog Park) be developed for Lochiel Park in consultation with various stakeholders, including residents, to seek their feedback.

PLEASE NOTE: CONSULTATION EXTENDED - Closes 4pm, Friday 11 March 2022


In October 2020, the Community were asked for their preferred location for a second dog park in the Council area and Lochiel Park Oval was the most popular Community choice. A concept plan has now been designed and we would like to hear your views as to whether we have the design right.

The proposed Lochiel Park Dog Park has a range of features and amenities; a toilet, shade, shelter, irrigation and a playground are adjacent to the site along with nearby adequate parking. The location is not immediately adjacent to houses and is close to the River Torrens Linear Park trail. Concerns raised about the location have been considered by Staff when designing the concept plan.

What's being proposed?

The Concept Plan includes separate spaces for small and large dogs in a secured area, which is sensitive to its natural surrounds. The concept plan is contained overleaf with some of the more pertinent features of the plan explained below.

Vegetation and Shade

  • The design is a continuation of the natural setting, and includes complementary plant selections and materials, and increased trees and vegetation.
  • Hybrid turf would be installed throughout the enclosed dog park space, enabling the existing turf to grow through its cellular structure whilst protecting it from the heavy traffic and digging anticipated at a dog park.


  • Black chain link perimeter fencing would be installed along with two entry and exit airlock gated areas. The gates provide a safety zone for owners to transition their dogs between the off leash/on leash environment.
  • There would also be a gate between the smaller and larger dog enclosures


  • Curved pathways have been used to retain the existing oval shape and encourage movement within the park. They are also dog friendly as they prevent dogs being backed into a corner.

Play Areas

  • A sandpit (to enable dogs to dig), and softfall and landscaped mounds are included to create natural challenges for dogs and visual barriers for other areas within the park.

Shelters and seating

  • Two shelters (matching existing shelters in the Lochiel Park Oval playground) and additional seating have been included in the design.

Soccer Goals

  • The soccer goals would be moved further south east and realigned to ensure the playing area between the goals is not impacted by the proposal.

Enquiries: Lyn Barton, Manager Governance & Community Interaction (8366 9234 or lbarton@campbelltown.sa.gov.au)

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Please ask if you need more information.  We will either get back to you privately or share the question and answer with Connect 2 Campbelltown participants if we think other people may need the same information

  • Share Has the consent of the Minister for Environment and Planning been obtained yet to use the Crown Land for the use of a dog park? on Facebook Share Has the consent of the Minister for Environment and Planning been obtained yet to use the Crown Land for the use of a dog park? on Twitter Share Has the consent of the Minister for Environment and Planning been obtained yet to use the Crown Land for the use of a dog park? on Linkedin Email Has the consent of the Minister for Environment and Planning been obtained yet to use the Crown Land for the use of a dog park? link

    Has the consent of the Minister for Environment and Planning been obtained yet to use the Crown Land for the use of a dog park?

    Peter Stokes asked over 2 years ago

    As reported to Council on 2 November 2021, the Minister for Environment and Water, through Departmental Staff, provided approval of the Lochiel Park Lands Community Land Management Plan (amended to include establishment of a potential dog park and in draft at that point in time) by advising that the usage is consistent with the dedicated purpose of the land. 

  • Share I am wondering if there will be signs up stating when the proposed dog park will be open...i.e. open at 8am and closes at 8pm or such. As a very close neighbour to the proposed dog park, I don't wish to hear barking dogs at the dog park, and one dog in particular close to us that barks at people/dogs walking in Lochend Drive and cars driving behind our property in Lochend Drive at all hours. on Facebook Share I am wondering if there will be signs up stating when the proposed dog park will be open...i.e. open at 8am and closes at 8pm or such. As a very close neighbour to the proposed dog park, I don't wish to hear barking dogs at the dog park, and one dog in particular close to us that barks at people/dogs walking in Lochend Drive and cars driving behind our property in Lochend Drive at all hours. on Twitter Share I am wondering if there will be signs up stating when the proposed dog park will be open...i.e. open at 8am and closes at 8pm or such. As a very close neighbour to the proposed dog park, I don't wish to hear barking dogs at the dog park, and one dog in particular close to us that barks at people/dogs walking in Lochend Drive and cars driving behind our property in Lochend Drive at all hours. on Linkedin Email I am wondering if there will be signs up stating when the proposed dog park will be open...i.e. open at 8am and closes at 8pm or such. As a very close neighbour to the proposed dog park, I don't wish to hear barking dogs at the dog park, and one dog in particular close to us that barks at people/dogs walking in Lochend Drive and cars driving behind our property in Lochend Drive at all hours. link

    I am wondering if there will be signs up stating when the proposed dog park will be open...i.e. open at 8am and closes at 8pm or such. As a very close neighbour to the proposed dog park, I don't wish to hear barking dogs at the dog park, and one dog in particular close to us that barks at people/dogs walking in Lochend Drive and cars driving behind our property in Lochend Drive at all hours.

    Tracia asked over 2 years ago

    Similar to Four Paws Dog Park, Council would establish signage for Rules of Use if the Dog Park is approved for construction.  No decisions have been made regarding hours of use at this point in time.

  • Share Has any thought been given to - access for people with walking sticks or wheel chairs? - more taps and bins in the large dog area - bin in the small dog park on Facebook Share Has any thought been given to - access for people with walking sticks or wheel chairs? - more taps and bins in the large dog area - bin in the small dog park on Twitter Share Has any thought been given to - access for people with walking sticks or wheel chairs? - more taps and bins in the large dog area - bin in the small dog park on Linkedin Email Has any thought been given to - access for people with walking sticks or wheel chairs? - more taps and bins in the large dog area - bin in the small dog park link

    Has any thought been given to - access for people with walking sticks or wheel chairs? - more taps and bins in the large dog area - bin in the small dog park

    Lorna asked over 2 years ago

    Council Staff will be working with our Disability Access & Inclusion Advisory Committee to minimise barriers for people with mobility issues.  The pathways throughout the proposed dog park have been designed to support people in wheelchairs or with other mobility issues; they are a compacted cement and rubble path that is suitable for these users whilst minimising permanent hard surfaces to make the space more dog friendly.

    There is a drinking fountain and dog bowl in both the small and large dog sections of the dog park.  Bins have been deliberately placed at the two entrances to the space to make it easier for dog owners to dispose of waste before they leave the park.


  • Share Approximately what percentage of the total grassed area of the LP oval has been set aside to develop the Dog Park Concept plan? What are the approximate estimated costs of developing the Dog Park Concept plan? on Facebook Share Approximately what percentage of the total grassed area of the LP oval has been set aside to develop the Dog Park Concept plan? What are the approximate estimated costs of developing the Dog Park Concept plan? on Twitter Share Approximately what percentage of the total grassed area of the LP oval has been set aside to develop the Dog Park Concept plan? What are the approximate estimated costs of developing the Dog Park Concept plan? on Linkedin Email Approximately what percentage of the total grassed area of the LP oval has been set aside to develop the Dog Park Concept plan? What are the approximate estimated costs of developing the Dog Park Concept plan? link

    Approximately what percentage of the total grassed area of the LP oval has been set aside to develop the Dog Park Concept plan? What are the approximate estimated costs of developing the Dog Park Concept plan?

    Lochiel asked over 2 years ago

    Approximately 2/3 of the oval (or 3,050sqm) has been set aside for this project.

    The updated estimated cost for the establishment of the dog park is $370,000.

Page last updated: 19 Oct 2022, 12:32 PM