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Council endeavours to keep registered participants and other interested persons up to date with all consultation opportunities and outcomes.

Newsletters will be distributed to the registered email address of each participant. Sign Up here to stay in touch.

Back issues of all newsletters will be kept here for future reference.

Council endeavours to keep registered participants and other interested persons up to date with all consultation opportunities and outcomes.

Newsletters will be distributed to the registered email address of each participant. Sign Up here to stay in touch.

Back issues of all newsletters will be kept here for future reference.

  • Elector Representation Review, Magill Campus Engagement, Transport Plan (North) & more

    Share Elector Representation Review, Magill Campus Engagement, Transport Plan (North) & more on Facebook Share Elector Representation Review, Magill Campus Engagement, Transport Plan (North) & more on Twitter Share Elector Representation Review, Magill Campus Engagement, Transport Plan (North) & more on Linkedin Email Elector Representation Review, Magill Campus Engagement, Transport Plan (North) & more link

    Welcome to our first Connect 2 Campbelltown newsletter and our first consultation for 2025!


    Elector Representation Review

    What do you think of the proposed ward structure?

    We're keen to hear the community's views on a proposal that would reduce the number of wards in the City of Campbelltown from five to four by adjusting the existing ward boundaries. These new wards would be named Foxfield, Lochend, Marybank and Murray.

    This is one of the proposals contained in the Representation Review recently completed by Council to ensure its electors are fairly and adequately represented. Further details are available at, Campbelltown Library or the Council office.

    Feedback is welcome from all members of the community. You do not need to be enrolled to vote to submit comments.

    Consultation closes 4pm, Friday 14 February.

    We will also be out and about in the community over the next couple of weeks, sharing information and chatting with people about the Representation Review. If you see us, please stop to say hello.

    Magill Campus Community Engagement

    There's still time to contribute to the future of the Magill Campus.

    Renewal SA is seeking the community's ideas on opportunities for the site that will inform the Magill Campus Structure Plan. Follow this LINK to share your thoughts by Monday 10 February.


    Transport Plan (North)
    Stage 2 of engagement on our Transport Plan for the area north of Montacute Road will commence in late February / early March. Keep an eye on Connect 2 Campbelltown and future editions of this newsletter for details.


    The Behavioural Support Policy and the Enforcement Policy on which we sought the community's feedback late last year were endorsed by Council at their meeting on Tuesday 21 January 2025. Thank you to everyone who contributed.


    Our first coffee date for the year is 11.00am Monday 17 March at Long Lost Friend café, 523 Magill Road, Magill. Why not drop by for a chat about local issues with Mayor Jill Whittaker OAM and staff?

    Thank you for being involved in your community through Connect 2 Campbelltown. We look forward to hearing from you in the year ahead.

    The Community Engagement Team

  • Magill Campus Engagement - Lochiel Park Update - Cool Spaces - Christmas Closures

    Share Magill Campus Engagement - Lochiel Park Update - Cool Spaces - Christmas Closures on Facebook Share Magill Campus Engagement - Lochiel Park Update - Cool Spaces - Christmas Closures on Twitter Share Magill Campus Engagement - Lochiel Park Update - Cool Spaces - Christmas Closures on Linkedin Email Magill Campus Engagement - Lochiel Park Update - Cool Spaces - Christmas Closures link

    Dear Community Member

    Did you know that you're one of nearly 2,000 registered participants of Connect 2 Campbelltown who together made over 750 contributions across 13 different engagements throughout 2024? Thank you for contributing to the future of your community - your time is appreciated!

    As we wind up the year, here are a few final updates.


    Magill Campus Community Engagement Extended
    Renewal SA has extended the engagement period on the Magill Campus to Monday 10 February 2025. Details of how to submit comments as well as further information about the project is available at this LINK.


    Lochiel Park Recreation Areas Draft Master Plan
    Following consideration of the consultation feedback on 17 December 2024, Council decided to adopt the Lochiel Park Recreation Areas Master Plan as presented but excluding the proposals for the regulatory dog on leash and off leash areas. This means there will be no change to the existing leash arrangements at Lochiel Park.

    The Community Engagement Outcomes Summary and accompanying Council Report may be viewed HERE.


    Representation Review Consultation opens January 2025
    Council is required to review its structure every 7-8 years to ensure fair representation for residents and a balanced workload for our Councillors. We've been working through such a review and propose having 4 wards, a Mayor and 10 Councillors from the 2026 Local Government elections.

    Community members will be invited to comment on the proposed changes as outlined in the Representation Report from Monday 20 January 2025. Keep an eye on Connect2Campbelltown for further details and the opportunity to share your views.


    Campbelltown Cool Spaces
    With predictions of a long hot summer ahead, Council has established 'Campbelltown Cool Spaces' to provide community members with some respite. When a severe or extreme heatwave is declared by the Bureau of Meteorology cool spaces will be available at the Campbelltown Library, The ARC Campbelltown and St Martin's Anglican Church (Paradise).

    Register HERE to receive alerts of when these spaces will be activated.

    Christmas Closures
    The Campbelltown Council Office will be closed from 5 pm on Tuesday 24 December 2024 until 8:45 am on Monday 6 January 2025. Should you require urgent assistance during this time, please call our after hours emergency number on 08 7071 3701.

    The Christmas closure dates of other Council facilities can be found HERE.

    Season's Greetings!

    Council's Community Engagement Team

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Don't delay, do today!

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    Looking for something to do this Friday? Get involved in your city and do one or more of the following TODAY!

    1. Coffee Chat

    Come and chat to Mayor Jill Whittaker OAM and Staff about your ideas, feedback and suggestions over a coffee.

    Meet us at Clay & Co (Shop 22/3 Jan Street, Newton), 11am - 12 noon today.

    2. Share your transport and traffic improvement ideas

    Today is the last day for sharing your ideas for our Transport Plan Study for the city, north of Montacute Road.

    We have over 200 pins on our collection map, so pin a pressure point for you and your family by 4pm today.

    3. Check out our new policies

    Tell us what you think of our newly developed policies for:

    Consultation closes at 4pm today.

    4. Moonlight Markets

    Don't miss our markets this evening from 5.30pm - 9.30pm!

    Grab some Christmas shopping or a bite to eat, enjoy the free entertainment and bring the kids to see Santa.

    Visit for more.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown newsletter - AMPs adopted, Renewal SA consult, Lochiel Park Master Plan, Transport Plan Study and more

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown newsletter - AMPs adopted, Renewal SA consult, Lochiel Park Master Plan, Transport Plan Study and more on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown newsletter - AMPs adopted, Renewal SA consult, Lochiel Park Master Plan, Transport Plan Study and more on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown newsletter - AMPs adopted, Renewal SA consult, Lochiel Park Master Plan, Transport Plan Study and more on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown newsletter - AMPs adopted, Renewal SA consult, Lochiel Park Master Plan, Transport Plan Study and more link

    It's a busy time in engagement at the moment, so we have lots for you to select from and participate in.


    Renewal SA - Magill Master Planning

    Have you heard that about the Renewal SA consultation currently underway for the Magill Uni campus and surrounds?

    There is one more opportunity to attend a Community Drop-In session (TOMORROW Tuesday 12 November 4pm - 7pm) so jump online and check out the opportunity to see your options for providing your views on the high level vision, attributes and opportunities proposed.

    The consultation is open until 1 December 2024 and there are other ways to have your say if you can't make tomorrow's event.

    Lochiel Park Master Plan

    There is still time to provide your feedback on the Draft Lochiel Park Master Plan.

    This project has been through several consultations. Our Master Plan proposes to:

    • Upgrade the play space, including improvements to the basketball half-court
    • Provide two off leash dog spaces (note: these areas will not be fenced)
      • a quiet, exploratory off-leash zone between Lochend House / Ripples Art Shed and the River Torrens Linear Park trail
      • a runabout dog exercise area north of Ripples Art Shed through to Kareda Drive
    • Irrigation to the grassed area with soccer goals
    • A new public toilet
    • New plantings, seating and shade, artwork and enhancement to trails to the wetlands and the River Torrens.

    Consultation closes 18 November, so check out the proposals now and have your say.

    Transport Plan Study (northern section)

    Consultation has commenced today for our Transport Plan Study (northern section).

    Being conducted by independent consulting engineers, Tonkin, you are invited to get involved and share your ideas about transport issues and solutions in relation to the suburbs of Athelstone, Campbelltown, Newton and Paradise. The data gathered will be used to develop a Transport Plan for this area.

    To get involved you can:

    • complete an online pin-dropping activity;
    • Come to a Community Drop-In session on Wednesday, 20 November (4.30pm to 7.30pm) at the Council Chambers; or
    • Send us an email or a letter with details of your ideas.

    Find out more at

    Consultation closes 4pm, Friday 6 December 2024.

    New Policies 2024

    We have also commenced consultation today on two draft Policies:

    Draft Behavioural Support Policy - This policy sets expectations regarding Elected Member behaviour.

    Draft Enforcement Policy - This policy provides guidance about roles and expectations when Staff are managing complaints for regulatory matters.

    Tell us what you think of our proposals by 4pm, Friday 6 December 2024.

    Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy Review

    The State Government is reviewing its Waste to Resources Policy to modernise regulation regarding resources and waste, and enable a more circular economy to develop.

    If you have an interest in this area, the consultation and are survey are open until 20 December 2024 for you to complete.


    Asset Management Plans Adopted

    The outcome of our recent engagement on the draft Asset Management Plans for Transport, Open Space and Footpaths & Walkways was reported to Council at its meeting on 5 November 2024. Council considered the community feedback and adopted all three Plans without amendment.

    Draft Plans - Environment, Community Wellbeing and Economic Development

    The outcome of consultation on these plans will be reported to the Council meeting on 19 November. To read the outcomes report in the Council agenda, check out Council's website from Friday this week.


    Don't forget to mark your diary now for Coffee Chat in December.

    Mayor Whittaker OAM and Staff will be at Clay & Co (11 am - 12 noon, Friday 6 December 2024) to hear your ideas, feedback and anything more you would like to discuss.

    We look forward to hearing from you somewhere soon!

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Lochiel Park Master Plan, Renewal SA (Magill Campus site) & the latest on further projects

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Lochiel Park Master Plan, Renewal SA (Magill Campus site) & the latest on further projects on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Lochiel Park Master Plan, Renewal SA (Magill Campus site) & the latest on further projects on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Lochiel Park Master Plan, Renewal SA (Magill Campus site) & the latest on further projects on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Lochiel Park Master Plan, Renewal SA (Magill Campus site) & the latest on further projects link


    Lochiel Park Recreation Areas Draft Master Plan

    Consultation is now open on the Draft Master Plan for the Lochiel Park Recreation Areas, one of our Community's most popular open spaces.

    There are a number of ways to find out more and to provide feedback including informal 'Park Chats' as follows:

    • this Sunday 3 November (2pm - 4pm) and
    • next Wednesday 6 November (4pm - 6pm).

    Visit the project page on Connect 2 Campbelltown for all the details.


    Draft Asset Management Plans

    The results of our recent consultation on the Draft Asset Management Plans for Transport, Open Space, Footpaths & Walkways will be considered by Council at on Tuesday 5 November.

    You will be able to view the full report at this LINK later today.

    Renewal SA - Magill Campus Drop-In Sessions
    Renewal SA invites you to have your say on the future development of the 14.62 hectare Magill Campus site.

    Beginning on 9 November, there will be opportunities to contribute to the master planning process via either an online survey or a Community Drop-In session. Further information including how to book in to your preferred session is available on our website.

    Renewal SA is running this consultation from 9 November until 1 December 2024.


    Transport Plan (northern section)

    Tonkins, on behalf of Council will be undertaking consultation to find out your views about transport and traffic in the northern half of our city (north of Montacute Road).

    Check back into our Connect 2 Campbelltown home page from 11 November to find out more.

    December Coffee Chat

    Don't miss the last Coffee Chat for the year on Friday 6 December, 11am - 12 noon. Join us at Clay & Co, 3 Jan Street Newton to share ideas, suggestions and concerns over a coffee with Mayor Jill Whittaker OAM and Staff.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Last Day for consultation on Council plans, EPA Waste to Resources opportunity, Renewal SA and more

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Last Day for consultation on Council plans, EPA Waste to Resources opportunity, Renewal SA and more on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Last Day for consultation on Council plans, EPA Waste to Resources opportunity, Renewal SA and more on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Last Day for consultation on Council plans, EPA Waste to Resources opportunity, Renewal SA and more on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Last Day for consultation on Council plans, EPA Waste to Resources opportunity, Renewal SA and more link

    This newsletter is to let you know about the last day for consultation on a Council project and the details of several new projects that will be available soon for consultation.


    Draft Environment, Community Wellbeing & Economic Development Plans

    Don't miss your opportunity to provide your feedback on draft Plans that will be used to drive the future direction of programs for the next 4 years.

    Want to know more - visit our webpage or watch our short explanatory video to find out about these important documents.

    Consultation closes 4pm, Friday 25 October 2024.


    Lochiel Park Recreation Areas Draft Master Plan

    Following consultation with various user groups and local residents in November 2023, Council has now prepared a Draft Master Plan for consultation with the community.

    Consultation commences on Monday 28 October and includes options to provide feedback via a survey (online or as a hard copy response), email or letter or by attending a Park Chat on either Sunday 3 November or Wednesday 6 November.

    Further information will be available from this link on Monday morning, or by attending one of the following venues to view the Plan or collect survey documentation.

    • Council Office, 172 Montacute Road, Rostrevor
    • Campbelltown Library, 171 Montacute Road, Newton
    • The ARC Campbelltown, 531 Lower North East Road, Campbelltown
    • Lochiel Park Golf at Geoff Heath Par 3, James Street, Campbelltown
    • Ripples Art Shed, Lochend Drive, Campbelltown

    The consultation will be open until 4pm, Monday 18 November 2024.

    Renewal SA Magill Master Planning

    Shortly Renewal SA will commence the master planning process for the 14.62 hectares Magill Campus site to guide future development at this location.

    Renewal SA is committed to ensuring that key stakeholders and the local community are engaged in the planning process and invite you to have your say through a range of opportunities including an online survey and Community Drop-In sessions being held during November.

    To find out more and book into your preferred session visit our website.

    Consultation will be undertaken 9 November - 1 December 2024.

    EPA Waste to Resources Policy

    The EPA is currently reviewing its Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy 2010 to modernise South Australia’s approach to the regulation of resources and wastes and enable the development of a more circular economy.

    The key policy review areas are:

    1. Supporting the transition to a circular economy.
    2. Avoiding waste generation.
    3. Maximising resource recovery.
    4. Supporting a strong market for recovered resources.
    5. Protecting the environment and human health from waste pollution.
    6. Circular economy metrics, reporting and transparency.

    You are invited to have your say and provide feedback to guide policy reform through the State Government's YourSay website.

    Consultation closes 20 December 2024

    Transport Plan (Northern Section)

    Tonkin, on behalf of Council will be undertaking a traffic management study to gather feedback about transport issues and solutions in relation to the suburbs of Campbelltown, Paradise, Newton and Athelstone.

    The data gathered will be used to develop a Transport Plan that considers the opportunities and limitations of our streets and roads, the bus network, the difficulties for pedestrians and cyclists (from an access and road safety perspective) and parking in local streets and areas at shopping precincts, schools and parks and reserves.

    To find out more, visit our website from 11 November 2024 when the consultation commences.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown newsletter - Last Days for Asset Management Plans, a new consultation and October Coffee Chat

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown newsletter - Last Days for Asset Management Plans, a new consultation and October Coffee Chat on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown newsletter - Last Days for Asset Management Plans, a new consultation and October Coffee Chat on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown newsletter - Last Days for Asset Management Plans, a new consultation and October Coffee Chat on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown newsletter - Last Days for Asset Management Plans, a new consultation and October Coffee Chat link

    We hope this newsletter finds you enjoying the sunshine with Spring well underway.
    This is a great time to plant something new in your garden or a pot to enjoy in the coming months.


    Draft Asset Management Plans (Transport, Open Space, and Footpaths & Walkways) - last days for feedback!

    Tell us what you think about our proposals for these assets within the city.

    Did we get our the timing of our renewal programs right?

    Do you agree with our summary assessment for these assets?

    Find out more at

    Consultation closes 4pm, Monday 14 October 2024.

    Draft Environment, Community Wellbeing & Economic Development Plans

    Following consultation to develop these documents, we have now commenced consultation to check whether we got the drafting right.

    Environment Plan -
    This plan provides guidance on the work we are planning to do towards making our city green, climate resilient and sustainable.

    Community Wellbeing Plan -
    This plan focuses on improving the health and happiness of our residents, including how our communities are connected and the opportunities available in our city.

    Economic Development Plan -
    This plan provides direction on the steps we are planning to help our local businesses to thrive, creating a stronger local economy for our residents, ratepayers and businesses.

    To find out more view our easy guide video or view the plans for detailed information.

    Consultation closes 4pm, Friday 25 October 2024.

    Weekly Green FOGO Bin Trial

    Do you live in the FOGO trial area?

    Don't forget to do your customer survey by 9am Monday 14 October 2024 to tell us about your experience and preferences with the trial bin collection arrangements.


    Greater Adelaide Regional Plan (GARP)

    The State Government is currently undertaking consultation on the future of our city.

    For the Campbelltown City Council area this includes:

    Establishment of growth areas for strategic infill near the Paradise Interchange and surrounds, and the Magill UniSA campus, as well as along existing urban corridor zones. Identification of Local Infill Investigation Areas at various areas in the city including: Newton Central and surrounds, Montacute/St Bernards/Newton Roads intersection and surrounds, Glynburn Road at Tranmere, and Magill (east and west of St Bernards Road).

    Are you affected by these plans?

    Further information is available from, however you may also wish to attend one of the 5 specific online briefings/workshops being held for the community.

    You are also welcome to discuss the GARP with Council's Development team if you would like further information (call 8366 9222 and ask to be connected).

    Consultation closes: 4 November 2024.

    Your Say Website

    The State Government regularly releases consultations on a whole range of issues that affect South Australians.

    The following consultations and more are currently active:

    • Flood risk information
    • TAFE SA's Disability Access and Inclusion Plan
    • Correctional Services Suicide Prevention Action Plan
    • Review of the Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy
    • Strengthening protections for teachers, education staff and communities
    • Small claims compensation scheme - electrical infrastructure failure
    • New planning rules for Festival Plaza development
    • Release areas - Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act

    To find out further information or to subscribe to their consultation program visit


    Would you like to know more about our consultation opportunities, however would prefer to speak with someone rather than completing consultation online.

    Why not come along to one of our upcoming Coffee Chats:

    • Thursday 24 October (11am-12 noon) - Sweet Snax Cafe, 4/161 St Bernards Rd, Rostrevor
    • Friday 6 December (11am - 12 noon) - Clay & Co, Shop 22/3 Jan St, Newton

    There is no need to register, and you are able to speak with the Mayor or Staff on any topic relevant to our city.

    We hope to see you soon at one of these events.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Strategic Plan 2028 update, future consultations & our next (sweet) Coffee Chat

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Strategic Plan 2028 update, future consultations & our next (sweet) Coffee Chat on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Strategic Plan 2028 update, future consultations & our next (sweet) Coffee Chat on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Strategic Plan 2028 update, future consultations & our next (sweet) Coffee Chat on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Strategic Plan 2028 update, future consultations & our next (sweet) Coffee Chat link


    Strategic Plan 2028

    Thank you everyone who contributed to the development of our Strategic Plan 2028 which commenced in July 2023.

    The report outlining the results of the third and final consultation stage conducted during July 2024 will be considered by Council this evening, Tuesday 17 September. To view the agenda report and consultation outcomes, please click this LINK . The minutes from the Council meeting will also be available from the same link later this week.


    We will soon be seeking feedback on a number of major plans including:

    • Draft Asset Management Plans for our transport, open space and footpath related assets (from 20 September)
    • Draft Strategic Management Plans for the community, the environment and economic development (from early October)

    Keep an eye on Connect2Campbelltown for further details and the opportunity to submit your comments.

    Next Coffee Chat

    You are most welcome to join the Mayor and Council staff for an informal chat about local issues at our next Coffee Chat at 11.00am on Thursday 24 October. The venue is:

    Sweet Snax Café
    4/ 161 St Bernards Road
    Rostrevor (near Romeo's Foodland).

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Community Engagement Outcomes plus ideas needed to Shape our Community Heart ...

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Community Engagement Outcomes plus ideas needed to Shape our Community Heart ... on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Community Engagement Outcomes plus ideas needed to Shape our Community Heart ... on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Community Engagement Outcomes plus ideas needed to Shape our Community Heart ... on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Community Engagement Outcomes plus ideas needed to Shape our Community Heart ... link

    Asset Management Plans for Stormwater, Bridges, Buildings & IT

    The outcome of our recent engagement on the draft Asset Management Plans (AMPs) for Stormwater, Bridges, Buildings and Information Technology was reported to Council at its meeting on 20 August 2024. Council considered the community feedback and adopted all four Plans without amendment.

    Consultation on three further draft AMPs will open toward the end of September, giving you the opportunity to consider Council's plans to fund and maintain Open Space, Transport and Footpaths & Walkways over the next 10 years. Stay tuned!

    Share Your Ideas for a Future Community Heart

    There's still time to share your ideas that will inform the master plan for the centre of our City.

    What might a future community heart look like? What kind of activities could you enjoy here? How do you feel in this lively space?

    You can share your thoughts by -

    • Participating online:
      • Fill out the online survey or
      • Pin or post your idea on the interactive map
    • Returning a hard copy survey
    • Drawing a picture
    • Sending an email or letter.

    Consultation closes 4pm, Friday 30 August

    Do You Have a Four Legged Family Member?

    It's time to renew your pet's registration. 🐾

    State legislation requires that all dogs, cats and breeders must be registered in Dogs and Cats Online, and registration renewal notices have now been sent via post, SMS or email.

    Registration is easy! Just jump online and complete your pet's details at by 31 August 2024. Fees apply for dog and breeder registrations; cat registrations are free of charge.

    Need help? Not a problem! Give our friendly Customer service team a call on 8366 9222

    Kind regards,

    Council's Community Engagement Team

  • City of Campbelltown - Reminder regarding Shaping our Community Heart consultation

    Share City of Campbelltown - Reminder regarding Shaping our Community Heart consultation on Facebook Share City of Campbelltown - Reminder regarding Shaping our Community Heart consultation on Twitter Share City of Campbelltown - Reminder regarding Shaping our Community Heart consultation on Linkedin Email City of Campbelltown - Reminder regarding Shaping our Community Heart consultation link

    Shaping our Community Heart

    Ekistics, on behalf of Council is currently conducting consultation, seeking your ideas to inform the creation of a Master Plan for the centre of our City - our Community heart.

    You can get involved by:

    • Attending the Drop In Session at Council's Function Centre this Thursday evening
    • Participating online:
      • Fill out the online survey now available; or
      • Pin or post your idea on the interactive map
    • Return a hard copy survey
    • Share your ideas in picture form
    • Send an email or letter.

    No time to check it out?

    Keep an eye out for table toppers available at various locations around the city and use the QR code to share your ideas when you have a moment

    The consultation is open until 4pm, Friday 30 August and we look forward to hearing your ideas.

    Kind regards

    Council's Community Engagement Team

Page last updated: 13 Feb 2025, 01:46 PM