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Council endeavours to keep registered participants and other interested persons up to date with all consultation opportunities and outcomes.

Newsletters will be distributed to the registered email address of each participant. Sign Up here to stay in touch.

Back issues of all newsletters will be kept here for future reference.

Council endeavours to keep registered participants and other interested persons up to date with all consultation opportunities and outcomes.

Newsletters will be distributed to the registered email address of each participant. Sign Up here to stay in touch.

Back issues of all newsletters will be kept here for future reference.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Community Engagement Outcomes plus ideas needed to Shape our Community Heart ...

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Community Engagement Outcomes plus ideas needed to Shape our Community Heart ... on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Community Engagement Outcomes plus ideas needed to Shape our Community Heart ... on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Community Engagement Outcomes plus ideas needed to Shape our Community Heart ... on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Community Engagement Outcomes plus ideas needed to Shape our Community Heart ... link

    Asset Management Plans for Stormwater, Bridges, Buildings & IT

    The outcome of our recent engagement on the draft Asset Management Plans (AMPs) for Stormwater, Bridges, Buildings and Information Technology was reported to Council at its meeting on 20 August 2024. Council considered the community feedback and adopted all four Plans without amendment.

    Consultation on three further draft AMPs will open toward the end of September, giving you the opportunity to consider Council's plans to fund and maintain Open Space, Transport and Footpaths & Walkways over the next 10 years. Stay tuned!

    Share Your Ideas for a Future Community Heart

    There's still time to share your ideas that will inform the master plan for the centre of our City.

    What might a future community heart look like? What kind of activities could you enjoy here? How do you feel in this lively space?

    You can share your thoughts by -

    • Participating online:
      • Fill out the online survey or
      • Pin or post your idea on the interactive map
    • Returning a hard copy survey
    • Drawing a picture
    • Sending an email or letter.

    Consultation closes 4pm, Friday 30 August

    Do You Have a Four Legged Family Member?

    It's time to renew your pet's registration. 🐾

    State legislation requires that all dogs, cats and breeders must be registered in Dogs and Cats Online, and registration renewal notices have now been sent via post, SMS or email.

    Registration is easy! Just jump online and complete your pet's details at by 31 August 2024. Fees apply for dog and breeder registrations; cat registrations are free of charge.

    Need help? Not a problem! Give our friendly Customer service team a call on 8366 9222

    Kind regards,

    Council's Community Engagement Team

  • City of Campbelltown - Reminder regarding Shaping our Community Heart consultation

    Share City of Campbelltown - Reminder regarding Shaping our Community Heart consultation on Facebook Share City of Campbelltown - Reminder regarding Shaping our Community Heart consultation on Twitter Share City of Campbelltown - Reminder regarding Shaping our Community Heart consultation on Linkedin Email City of Campbelltown - Reminder regarding Shaping our Community Heart consultation link

    Shaping our Community Heart

    Ekistics, on behalf of Council is currently conducting consultation, seeking your ideas to inform the creation of a Master Plan for the centre of our City - our Community heart.

    You can get involved by:

    • Attending the Drop In Session at Council's Function Centre this Thursday evening
    • Participating online:
      • Fill out the online survey now available; or
      • Pin or post your idea on the interactive map
    • Return a hard copy survey
    • Share your ideas in picture form
    • Send an email or letter.

    No time to check it out?

    Keep an eye out for table toppers available at various locations around the city and use the QR code to share your ideas when you have a moment

    The consultation is open until 4pm, Friday 30 August and we look forward to hearing your ideas.

    Kind regards

    Council's Community Engagement Team

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Shaping our Community Heart, Progress at Playford Reserve redevelopment and Community Plan update

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Shaping our Community Heart, Progress at Playford Reserve redevelopment and Community Plan update on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Shaping our Community Heart, Progress at Playford Reserve redevelopment and Community Plan update on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Shaping our Community Heart, Progress at Playford Reserve redevelopment and Community Plan update on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Shaping our Community Heart, Progress at Playford Reserve redevelopment and Community Plan update link

    Shaping Our Community Heart

    This month we bring you a major consultation for all residents and ratepayers to share their ideas.

    We know from previous consultation that the Campbelltown community would like a Performing Arts Centre. Council have committed to investigating options for the development of a new Performing Arts Centre combined with Council offices, function and community spaces on the site of the existing Council offices at 172 Montacute Road, Rostrevor.

    Council’s draft strategic plan also seeks to explore creating a new vibrant precinct for dining and shopping.

    A new integrated arts, civic and community facility together with a vibrant main street would become the area’s centrepiece - its Community Heart.

    Importantly, Council is seeking to deliver this project at a neutral to limited cost to ratepayers. To achieve this, revenue-generating opportunities and activities are also being explored, such as co-working spaces and other complimentary uses.

    We invite you to envision a time 10 years from now, and picture a vibrant Community Heart:

    • What does it look like?
    • How do you feel in this lively space?
    • What activities are you enjoying?
    • How did you travel there, and how did you move around within the Precinct?

    There are various ways to get involved. Find out more information or contribute, please visit our Shaping our Community Heart consultation.

    Consultation Closes: 4pm, Friday 30 August 2024

    Playford Road Reserve Upgrade

    Work is well underway at Playford Road Reserve.

    • Play equipment has been installed, with softfall installed in some areas
    • Courts have been constructed in readiness for line painting, and fences are in place
    • The grassed area has been laid
    • Shade sails are up
    • Seating and planting is underway.

    This space is going to be fantastic for summer for local schools to use, children in surrounding streets and visitors to the area to use.

    Check out our Project Update gallery for details of progress.

    Our new Children's Plan

    Thank you to everyone who recently participated in our engagement on the draft Children’s Plan 2024-2026 earlier this year. At its meeting on Tuesday 16 July 2024, Council noted the feedback and agreed to adopt the Children’s Plan. The Community Engagement Outcomes Report and accompanying Council report may be viewed at this LINK.

    Thank you for staying connected to your Community this winter!

    Kind regards,

    Council's Community Engagement Team

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – The latest on three Draft Plans + Coffee Chat next week

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – The latest on three Draft Plans + Coffee Chat next week on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – The latest on three Draft Plans + Coffee Chat next week on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – The latest on three Draft Plans + Coffee Chat next week on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – The latest on three Draft Plans + Coffee Chat next week link


    Consultation on two new projects opened this week.

    Draft Strategic Plan 2028Help shape the future of your City by providing feedback on the draft Strategic Plan 2028.

    This is the third and final consultation stage on this important document. View the Draft Plan and find out how you can comment at this LINK.

    Draft Asset Management Plans for Stormwater, Bridges, Buildings & IT

    Did you know that the City of Campbelltown is responsible for 162 kilometres of stormwater pipe, 62 bridges, 135 buildings and 118 CCTV cameras?

    Learn how Council plans to care for these assets and more by viewing the respective Draft Asset Management Plans on Connect 2 Campbelltown.

    The closing date for both of the above consultations is 4pm Wednesday 31 July 2024.


    Draft Children's Plan 2024-2026

    The results of our engagement on the Draft Children's Plan 2024-2026 will be considered by Council at its next meeting on Tuesday 16 July 2024. You can view the full Engagement Outcomes Report, which includes ideas from local children, by clicking HERE.

    Coffee Date Next Week

    A reminder that our July Coffee Chat is next Wednesday 17 July (11am -12 noon) at Indigo Espresso Café in Athelstone Shopping Centre, 320 Gorge Road Athelstone. Please join us for coffee and conversation on local matters.

    Thank you for your contributions and helping Council deliver better quality outcomes for the City of Campbelltown.

    Kind regards,

    The Engagement Team

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating Outcome, Future Engagements and July Coffee Chat

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating Outcome, Future Engagements and July Coffee Chat on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating Outcome, Future Engagements and July Coffee Chat on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating Outcome, Future Engagements and July Coffee Chat on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating Outcome, Future Engagements and July Coffee Chat link


    Outcome of Engagement on the Draft ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating

    Council considered the community feedback on the Draft 2024/2025 Annual Business Plan and Budget and Proposed Differential Rating at its meeting on Tuesday 18 June 2024. As a result, Council:

    • Decided not to introduce differential rating on vacant land and to continue to set a single rate in the dollar for all rateable property.
    • Confirmed the general rate increase for the 2024/2025 financial year of 4.80% plus growth for newly created and developed properties.

    Further details on the above decisions are available in the respective Council reports which may be viewed at this LINK.

    Engagements Opening Soon

    We will soon be seeking comments on the following key projects:

    • Draft Strategic Plan 2028 (Stage 3)
    • Draft Asset Management Plans for Stormwater, Bridges, Building Assets & Information Technology

    Visit Connect 2 Campbelltown from Monday 8 July, 2024 to view each draft Plan and details of how you can provide feedback.


    July: Indigo Espresso Café

    Our next Coffee Chat will be on Wednesday 17 July, 11am- 12noon at Indigo Espresso Café located in the Athelstone Shopping Centre, 320 Gorge Road, Athelstone. Join Mayor Jill Whittaker OAM and staff for an informal conversation over coffee. We hope to see you there!

    Kind regards,

    The Engagement Team

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Playford Road Reserve Upgrade, ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating Update, Random Draw Winners & more

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Playford Road Reserve Upgrade, ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating Update, Random Draw Winners & more on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Playford Road Reserve Upgrade, ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating Update, Random Draw Winners & more on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Playford Road Reserve Upgrade, ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating Update, Random Draw Winners & more on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Playford Road Reserve Upgrade, ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating Update, Random Draw Winners & more link


    Council to Consider Draft ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating Engagement Results

    Thank you everyone who participated in our recent consultation on the Draft 2024/2025 Annual Business Plan and Budget and Proposed Differential Rating.

    Council will consider all feedback received during the consultation period at its meeting scheduled for 7pm on Tuesday 18 June 2024, the agenda papers for which may be viewed at this LINK. You are also welcome to attend the meeting in person if you wish to observe the proceedings.

    The 2024/2025 Annual Business Plan & Budget is due for adoption by Council at its following meeting on Tuesday 2 July 2024.

    Playford Road Reserve Upgrade Nears Completion
    The shade sails are up and the playing surfaces are going down - the Playford Road Reserve upgrade is well on the way toward its planned completion by September, just in time for Spring.

    The new works include a tennis court and multi court, grassed area for ball sports and unstructured play, accessible pathways and BBQ and toilet facilities. Stay tuned for the opening date!

    Coffee Chat Date for the Diary

    Join Mayor Jill Whittaker OAM and staff at the next Coffee Chat planned for Wednesday 17 July, 11am - 12 noon. Location details will be available shortly.

    Random Draw Winners

    Congratulations to the three winners of a $100 'Why Leave Campbelltown' gift card - our 'thank you' to participants in the recent consultation on the Draft ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating.

    • Phil (Rostrevor)
    • David (Tranmere)
    • Luigi (Newton)

    We will be in contact with each of you shortly with details of how you can collect your prize.

    Thank you for being an active member of the Campbelltown community - the time you take to make a contribution is appreciated.

    Kind regards,

    The Engagement Team

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Public Meeting on the Draft ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Public Meeting on the Draft ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Public Meeting on the Draft ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Public Meeting on the Draft ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Public Meeting on the Draft ABP&B and Proposed Differential Rating link


    Public Meeting Next Thursday 30 May

    Join us at next week's Public Meeting on the Draft 2024/2025 Annual Business Plan & Budget and Proposed Differential Rating. This is scheduled for:

    Thursday 30 May, 6.30pm - 7.30pm at the Campbelltown Function Centre, 172 Montacute Road, Rostrevor (this is an accessible venue).

    In addition to the projects and services contained in the ABP&B, Council is considering implementing a differential rating system, aimed at stimulating development and tackling the housing crisis.

    Under this arrangement, vacant landowners would pay double the residential rates effective from 1 July 2024 with a rebate proposed for those who make application and have a development application for a dwelling lodged in the Plan SA portal.

    Come to the Public Meeting for further information and the opportunity to speak directly with Council staff about what is proposed.

    You can let us know if you plan to attend by emailing or telephoning 8366 9222.

    To find out more, including how to contribute visit

    Consultation closes 9am Monday 3 June.

    Kind regards,

    Council's Community Engagement Team

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Consultation opens on Draft 2024/2025 Annual Business Plan & Budget and Proposed Differential Rating

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Consultation opens on Draft 2024/2025 Annual Business Plan & Budget and Proposed Differential Rating on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Consultation opens on Draft 2024/2025 Annual Business Plan & Budget and Proposed Differential Rating on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Consultation opens on Draft 2024/2025 Annual Business Plan & Budget and Proposed Differential Rating on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Consultation opens on Draft 2024/2025 Annual Business Plan & Budget and Proposed Differential Rating link

    This newsletter brings you news of ...


    Join Mayor Whittaker and Staff this Thursday 9 May, 1pm-2pm for coffee and conversation at The ARC Café located at 531 Lower North East Rd, Campbelltown.

    Please note new time - this Coffee Chat was previously advertised as 2pm-3pm.

    This is your opportunity to raise issues, ask questions or give feedback on any Council activities.

    No agenda and no need to register - just come along.


    Feedback is sought on Council's Draft 2024/2025 Annual Business Plan & Budget and Proposed Differential Rating from Thursday 9 May (information will be available by late morning) until 9am, Monday 3 June 2024.

    The draft ABP&B has been developed to help deliver outcomes set out in our Strategic Plan, while continuing our commitment for a safe, sustainable and vibrant community.

    in addition to proposing to implement a range of exciting projects to further enhance the liveability of our area and stimulate our local economy, the ABP&B proposes the introduction of differential rating for vacant land holders from 1 July 2024.

    Visit to find out how you can contribute as well as details about:

    • an Online Information Session regarding the proposed Differential Rating (Tuesday 21 May, 12pm-1pm); and
    • a Public Meeting for the draft ABP&B and Differential Rating (Thursday 30 May, 6.30pm-7.30pm).

    Solar & Battery Bulk Buy for Homes launching June 2024

    Council, in collaboration with ShineHub, is excited to announce that the Campbelltown City Council Community Renewables Program is launching in June 2024.

    Through the program, City of Campbelltown residents will be able to access exclusive bulk buy discounts on solar panels, batteries and Virtual Power Plant (VPP) solutions.

    Helping and supporting our Community is important to Council. We know people are doing it tough with increased costs of living, and electricity prices play a big part in that.

    We are excited to partner with ShineHub, a leading installer of solar and battery solutions in South Australia, to help our Community to choose renewable energy, save money and power our City in a more sustainable way. ShineHub were selected as the exclusive program provider through a rigorous process that included expert advice and recommendations from other South Australian Councils.

    Visit to learn more about how to unlock savings and to register your interest.


    At its meeting on 16 April 2024, Council received the community engagement outcomes for several projects conducted recently.

    Summary information is provided below. To find out more, you can read the agenda or minutes from the meeting, available from Council's website.

    Strategic Plan Stage 2 Consultation

    Council received feedback on the Stage 2 Community consultation with the Community, as well as further ideas and suggestions from Elected Members on some of the ideas suggested. A small but dedicated group of participants attended workshops and provided submissions during this consultation to provide further guidance about Community needs in relation to the next iteration of the Strategic Plan.

    The information received will now be used for the drafting of the Strategic Plan, with consultation on the draft intended to occur during July 2024.

    Draft Master Plan for Lochiel Park Recreation Areas

    Council thanks everyone that participated in the Lochiel Park master planning process.

    Following receipt of the community engagement outcomes for this project and a closed consultation regarding potential expansion of Four Paws Dog Park (consultation conducted with adjacent neighbours), Council requested a CEO briefing on the information before making decisions on these matters.

    Alternative Entry Access to The ARC Campbelltown

    You may recall that Council ran consultation prior to Christmas on improving access to The ARC Campbelltown.

    At its meeting in April, Council received a follow up report on a proposal to trial use of the back door entrance for people with mobility issues. Council supported the trial proceeding; users at The ARC can find out more from ARC staff about this program.

    Regulatory Policies

    Council received consultation outcomes in relation to two policies and adopted proposed changes to the policies:

    • Dog Attacks and Harassment Policy
    • Order Making Policy

    Thank you for your ongoing support of Council's community engagement program. We greatly appreciate your participation in helping us to provide the best facilities, projects and services possible for our Community.

    Kind regards,

    Council's Community Engagement Team

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – First Coffee Chat for 2024, Draft Children's Plan Consultation & Engagements Outcomes

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – First Coffee Chat for 2024, Draft Children's Plan Consultation & Engagements Outcomes on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – First Coffee Chat for 2024, Draft Children's Plan Consultation & Engagements Outcomes on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – First Coffee Chat for 2024, Draft Children's Plan Consultation & Engagements Outcomes on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – First Coffee Chat for 2024, Draft Children's Plan Consultation & Engagements Outcomes link

    In this newsletter we have details of the first Coffee Chat for the year, the draft Children's Plan and the outcome of two recent engagements

    Drop in for a Chat over Coffee

    Mayor Jill Whittaker OAM and staff would love to see you at the first Coffee Chat for 2024.

    Join us on Monday 18 March, 11am-12pm at the new Daly Coffee Kick now open at the Hectorville Sports & Community Club (31 Fisher Street, Magill).

    No agenda - just an informal conversation about your ideas, feedback and suggestions over a coffee.


    Draft Children's Plan Consultation Opens Monday 18 March

    Help us create a child friendly Campbelltown by providing feedback on the Draft Children's Plan 2024-2026.

    The Children's Plan is Council’s commitment to working with children, their families, and organisations to bring all ideas and actions together that support Campbelltown to be a child friendly city.

    You can download a copy of the draft Plan and complete a short survey by visiting our consultation page from next Monday 18 March.

    All feedback must be received by 4pm Friday 12 April 2024


    Council recently considered the Engagement Outcome Reports on two consultation projects conducted late last year. These were the:

    You can view both Engagement Outcome Reports on Council's meeting agenda for 5 March 2024.

    Thank you everyone who took the time to contribute to these projects.

    Updating your Details

    Has your personal information changed since you first registered with Connect 2 Campbelltown?

    You can update your contact details easily and quickly by logging into your account and making the required changes.

    Still not sure? You'll find a detailed guide in response to one of our FAQs HERE.

    Further engagement opportunities are on the way - watch this space!

    Kind regards,

    Council's Community Engagement Team

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Last chance to have your say on Strategic Plan and Regulatory Policy changes, Community Engagement Updates, gift card winners & more

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Last chance to have your say on Strategic Plan and Regulatory Policy changes, Community Engagement Updates, gift card winners & more on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Last chance to have your say on Strategic Plan and Regulatory Policy changes, Community Engagement Updates, gift card winners & more on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Last chance to have your say on Strategic Plan and Regulatory Policy changes, Community Engagement Updates, gift card winners & more on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter – Last chance to have your say on Strategic Plan and Regulatory Policy changes, Community Engagement Updates, gift card winners & more link

    In this newsletter we highlight last minute opportunities to contribute, provide an update on two recent consultations and congratulate two gift card winners.

    CONSULTATIONS CLOSING 4pm, Friday 1 March

    Regulatory Policies

    You still have time to provide feedback on two of Council's Regulatory Policies, but you will need to be quick!

    Minor adjustments have been made to the 'Order Making' and 'Dog Attacks and Harassment' policies so they are clearer, easier to read and linked more closely to the relevant legislation.

    Strategic Plan 2028 (Stage 2)

    Join workshop participants and our Online Ideas generators to provide your idea for our next Strategic Plan.

    There are currently 2 ideas on our website that you might like to support or comment on, or you might like to provide your own idea by participating in this opportunity.

    Alternatively, feel free to drop us an email if you would like to suggest a project, program or service change for us to consider when drafting the next Strategic Plan.

    Don't delay - both these consultations close tomorrow at 4pm!


    The results of two recent consultation projects will be considered by Council at our next meeting on Tuesday 5 March 2024.

    The Community Engagement Outcome Reports on the recent Community Satisfaction Survey and the draft Ageing Well Plan 2025 will be available on the Council agenda from this Friday.


    Consultation on Council's draft Children's Plan 2024-2026 will commence on Monday 18 March 2024.

    The Children's Plan is Council’s commitment to working with children, their families, and organisations to bring all ideas and actions together that support Campbelltown to be a Child Friendly City.

    Further information as well as the opportunity to provide feedback will be available on Connect 2 Campbelltown from this date.


    Council greatly values the contribution of community members to our community engagement program.

    Recently we offered Community Satisfaction Survey participants the chance to win one of two $100 Why Leave Campbelltown gift cards and I'm pleased to advise that Sharon (Paradise) and Ann (Athelstone) are the lucky recipients. We will be in contact with both winners shortly!

    Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our community engagement program. We look forward to hearing from you soon about a project that interests you!

    Kind regards,

    Council's Community Engagement Team

Page last updated: 17 Sep 2024, 03:09 PM