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Council endeavours to keep registered participants and other interested persons up to date with all consultation opportunities and outcomes.

Newsletters will be distributed to the registered email address of each participant. Sign Up here to stay in touch.

Back issues of all newsletters will be kept here for future reference.

Council endeavours to keep registered participants and other interested persons up to date with all consultation opportunities and outcomes.

Newsletters will be distributed to the registered email address of each participant. Sign Up here to stay in touch.

Back issues of all newsletters will be kept here for future reference.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Annual Business Plan (last day) and commencement of Draft Cats By-Law consultation

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Annual Business Plan (last day) and commencement of Draft Cats By-Law consultation on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Annual Business Plan (last day) and commencement of Draft Cats By-Law consultation on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Annual Business Plan (last day) and commencement of Draft Cats By-Law consultation on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Annual Business Plan (last day) and commencement of Draft Cats By-Law consultation link

    Draft 2022/2023 Annual Business Plan and Budget

    Today is your last chance to provide us with feedback about the Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget.

    The draft plan includes proposals to:

    • spend nearly $4 million to renew road surfaces across the city
    • spend $200,000 on creek remediation at Fifth Creek
    • create new footpaths at 8 locations within the city
    • commence upgrades at Foxfield Reserve, Liascos Avenue Reserve, Nightingale Reserve, Pamela Avenue Reserve, Playford Road reserves and Dennis Morrissey Park
    • finalise the $1.5 million Athelstone Recreation Reserve soccer pitch replacement.

    A general rate increase of 3.50% plus growth from newly created and developed properties of 1.07% is proposed.

    If you complete the survey online today you could win one of three $50 Food Trail vouchers!

    Consultation closes at 4pm, Friday 27 May 2022.

    Draft Cats By-Law 2022

    Community consultation has commenced today for the Draft Cats By-Law 2022 and will run throughout June. Council encourages local Community members to get involved by providing feedback or participating in the independently run statistically validated telephone survey.

    Further details are available from so check it out to get involved.

    Consultation closes at 5pm, Friday 1 July 2022.

    Coffee Chat

    There are only 2 more opportunities to come along to Coffee Chat and speak informally with Mayor Jill Whittaker and staff about your ideas and suggestions over a coffee.

    Thursday 23 June, 1:30-2:30pm | The Red Mill Bakehouse
    Friday 29 July, 10-11am | Clay Cup Cafe

    Find out what’s happening in your Council area and contribute to making a "safe, sustainable, vibrant Community".

    Enquiries to Lyn on 8366 9234 or

    We hope you are enjoying contributing to Council's community engagement program. This financial year we have offered 20 opportunities to participate in engagement and we are grateful for the feedback you have provided so far. Thank you for your ongoing contribution to our city!

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Annual Business Plan, Cats By-Law & Consultation outcomes

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    Have you completed our Annual Business Plan consultation? This is your chance to tell us what you think of the projects proposed for next financial year, as well as how you feel about the planned rate rise. There is an opportunity to win one of three $50 vouchers to a Food Trail business if you complete the consultation online; you could also win our beautiful lucky Food Trail lucky door hamper if you register and attend the public meeting on Wednesday 25 May.

    The consultation closes 4pm, Friday 27 May so make sure to check out the plan and opportunities soon to provide your feedback.

    Stage 2 Reform of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport

    The Australian Government is seeking feedback regarding this reform process. To learn more about the reforms and how to get involved visit our website.

    Consultation is open from 15 March to 9 August 2022.


    La Scala Court Footpath

    Council recently completed a closed consultation with residents and ratepayers at La Scala Court, Paradise regarding a potential footpath being installed in the street. Respondents overwhelmingly did not support an installation and Council subsequently decided not to install the footpath.

    To read more about this project, check out the agenda report and minutes for 17 May 2022.

    Community Satisfaction Survey

    Thank you to the 76 people that responded to this consultation online. Staff are currently analysing the results and plan to report the outcomes to a Council meeting in June.

    Congratulations to the following people who have won a $50 Food Trail voucher for participating:

    • Carole-Anne, Campbelltown
    • Melissa, Rostrevor


    Consultation will be commencing shortly on Council's Draft Cats By-Law.

    Council will be conducting a statistically validated telephone survey through an independent company (more details will be provided on this when the consultation commences). You will also be able to participate by sending us a submission by email or letter when the consultation is open.

    Stay connected for more!


    Do you have something you would like to discuss with the Mayor and have some free next Monday morning?

    Come along to Coffee Chat at Indigo Espresso Cafe at Athelstone Shopping Centre, grab a cuppa and chat to the Mayor in an informal and inviting setting.

    More details are available here.

    Thanks for your ongoing interest in Council's consultation processes. You have helped us a lot in recent months and we really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts, concerns and ideas about a range of topics.

    We currently have nearly 1,300 residents, ratepayers and interested participants signed up to Connect 2 Campbelltown and your support has been invaluable in decision making in recent months.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Annual Business Plan, Community Satisfaction Survey and Consultation outcomes

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    Have you participated in our Community Satisfaction Survey yet? The consultation closes this Wednesday, so don't delay if you want to have your say about how we are doing as an organisation.


    Our Annual Business Plan consultation opens on Wednesday and will be available until 4pm, 27 May 2022. To get involved you can:

    • Complete a survey either online or in hard copy (click here for documents from Wednesday afternoon)
    • View information or ask a question at Connect 2 Campbelltown
    • View information at the Council Office, Library or The ARC
    • Attend our Public Meeting on Thursday, 25 May, 6-7pm at Council's Chambers
    • Send an email to with the subject ‘Draft 2022/2023 Annual Business Plan and Budget’
    • Write a letter to: Community Engagement Officer Campbelltown City Council PO Box 1, Campbelltown SA 5074


    Tuku Wirra - Renaming of King George and Church Reserves

    Council received the Community feedback on this matter at its meeting on 19 April 2022 and decided to:

    • adopt the Kaurna name ‘Tuku Wirra’ for the combined Church Street Reserve and King George Reserve
    • co-name it King George Reserve
    • undertake relevant public notifications and
    • retain the name King George Hall for the hall in the reserve by the same name.

    Pamela Avenue Reserve upgrade

    At the same meeting, Council received the Community feedback for this consultation and resolved to:

    • adopt the Concept Plan (without the BBQ and chess facilities) and ensure provisions are made within the design for the addition of shade structures at a future stage
    • reconfirm the total budget allocation of $430,000 comprising of $175,00 as Capital-Renewal and Replacement and $255,000 which is to be considered as Capital-New at the time of formulating the draft 2022/2023 Annual Business Plan and Budget.

    Both consultation reports are available in the relevant Council agenda

    Draft Climate Solutions Policy

    At its meeting on 3 May, Council will consider feedback from the Community and the Climate Solutions Advisory Committee before making a decision regarding whether to adopt the Policy.

    If you would like to read the consultation report it is available from the Council agenda for 3 May (pages 63-89).

    Thank you to everyone who has participated in our recent consultations. We look forward to your participation in a consultation soon if you missed these ones.


    Do you have something you would like to give feedback about however it isn't suitable to provide this through a formal consultation?

    Come along to a Coffee Chat and speak with Mayor Jill Whittaker and Staff about your ideas or concerns, and find out what's happening in your Council area.

    The upcoming sessions are as follows:

    Monday 23 May, 10-11am | Indigo Espresso Cafe
    Thursday 23 June, 1:30-2:30pm | The Red Mill Bakehouse
    Friday 29 July, 10-11am | Clay Cup Cafe

    Enquiries to Lyn on 8366 9234 or

    Stay safe and warm this May!

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - New Community Satisfaction Survey & Other Survey outcomes

    Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - New Community Satisfaction Survey & Other Survey outcomes on Facebook Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - New Community Satisfaction Survey & Other Survey outcomes on Twitter Share Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - New Community Satisfaction Survey & Other Survey outcomes on Linkedin Email Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - New Community Satisfaction Survey & Other Survey outcomes link

    Happy Easter everyone!

    It's been a very busy time in the consultation team. This newsletter provides details of a new opportunity and the outcomes of other consultations recently completed.


    This morning we opened the Community Satisfaction Survey. This survey provides an opportunity for you to to tell us what services you use, what we are doing well and where there are opportunities for improvement.

    The survey is open until 4pm, Wednesday 4 May, so there is plenty of time to sit down with a cuppa and complete the questions.

    There is also a chance to win a $50 voucher to a Food Trail business of your choice if you complete the survey online, so be sure to fill it out and tell your friends and family this holiday break!


    At its meeting on 5 April, Council considered the outcome of the following consultations:

    • Lochiel Park Dog Park - After receiving the Community's feedback, Council deferred making a decision on this matter until Elected Members receive a CEO Briefing Session on proposed options available to them. A further report will go to Council on this matter after the Briefing Session has been held.
    • Upgrades to Playford Road Reserves- Council received the Community's feedback and resolved to:
      • adopt the Playford Road Reserve site as the location for collocating the Community Landcare Nursery and Newton Community Garden
      • adopt the Playford Road Tennis Courts site concept design in principle, subject to the Reconciliation Advisory Committee confirmation of the Kaurna elements of the design
      • refer the naming proposals for the Playford Road Tennis Courts site to the Reconciliation Advisory Committee to consider a name for Council’s consideration

    Further information is available from the Council Agendas and Minutes section of Council's website.

    Draft Climate Solutions Policy

    At its meeting on 13 April, the Climate Solutions Advisory Committee received the Community's feedback on the draft Policy and considered changes as proposed by Staff as a result of the feedback. Following the Committee expressing support for the Policy, a further report will now be prepared for Council to consider its formal adoption.


    At its meeting on Tuesday 19 April, Council will receive the outcome of two consultations and consider Staff recommendations as follows:

    • Pamela Avenue Reserve Upgrade - Staff are recommending that a revised Concept Plan be adopted (the BBQ and chess facilities are recommended to be removed from the design and it is proposed to include provision within the design for a shade structure to be able to be installed over the playground at a future stage when budget allows for this opportunity)
    • Tuku Wirra - proposed new name for King George and Church Reserves - Staff are recommending that the name change proceed as 72% of participants supported the name change

    Further details are available from the reports in this agenda, available from the Council Agendas and Minutes section of Council's website.

    Thank you to everyone who has participated in these recent consultations and who continues to support Council in relation to its Community Engagement program.

    We wish you a safe and happy Easter break.

  • Connect 2 Campbelltown Newsletter - Playford Road Reserve and Lochiel Dog Park updates

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    This is just a short newsletter to let you know that consultation reports will be considered by Council at its meeting on Tuesday 5 April in respect to the Playford Road Reserve consultation and Lochiel Park Dog Park consultation. If you would like to read the reports or anything else in the agenda, please click the link below.

    Council agenda - 5 April 2022

    Connect 2 Campbelltown will be updated after the reports are received by Council and the outcome of the consultations is known.


    Social Media Policy

    In case you missed it, Council has rewritten its Social Media Policy and is seeking Community feedback on the draft document.

    This consultation closes at 4pm on Monday 4 April, so if you would like to participate please click this link.

    Pamela Avenue Reserve Upgrade

    Council is proposing to undertake a major upgrade of this reserve to create an intergenerational space where family members of all ages and abilities can interact.

    This consultation also closes at 4pm on Monday 4 April and we would like to hear from you to find out if you support the upgrade.

    To join the conversation, please click this link.


    There are several consultations starting soon that you may like to get involved in.

    Our Community Satisfaction Survey starts on Thursday 14 April. Stay connected or follow this project so you can provide feedback about Council's performance.

    The Annual Business Plan and Budget consultation commences on 5 May. Keep an eye out for more details on this later this month.

    Thank you to everyone who has been shared, encouraged or participated in our consultations lately. It has been a very busy time for us lately and we appreciate your support and the time you have invested in your city.

    Jackie from Athelstone won our Lochiel Park Dog Park consultation prize pack. Congratulations Jackie!

Page last updated: 17 Sep 2024, 03:09 PM